It's raining here. It's been raining all week. The grass is growing, and the leaves are out in full force, but it's cold, grey and ICKY! Mom actually has the heating monster running.

The stupid green stuff is growing in the planter box outside, but it really needs some SUN!
I want the SUN!

Enough rain already.
The rain really is depressing.
Is that your old pink blankie from when you were a kitten?
Those wee lettuces look to be doing quite well, Millie, in spite of the lack of sun. I'm sure Mother Nature will hear your plaintive meows and send you some sunshine very soon.
Sydney, Australia
I'm with you. It normally never stays grey this long in Denver, and I miss my sunpuddles! I'm tired of rain and grey skies. The sun better come out soon or I'll go nuts.
awww Millie, don't be so sad. The sun WILL come out again, very very soon.
I'm with you, Millie - we had rain puddles this week instead of sun puddles.
Oh Millie, we all sympathize. It's been so bad here too. Mommy is getting all depressed 'cause of the rain and we really want to lie in some sun beams but there aren't any around. Hopefully the sun will come out soon.
yes, enough rain already. Mom says we could open a rafting river in our back yard if this keeps up.
Besides: where is my sun??
bonks Missie Millie
I hope you get some sun soon! You do look cozy in your basket though.
Could you send us some of your rain we need it bad. We are in a drought.
We've been asking for a little sun to help warm us this spring (it was 40 when I went to church Sunday morning and I had to get my winter jacket back out of the closet!!!), so we're seeing a little more sun, but bunches of wind. Hope the sun is now its way to you now!
We are ready for the weather to settle down, too!
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