I have taught her WHEN I want to be petted, WHERE I want to be petted, and HOW LONG I want to be petted. Mom has learned those rules, and we get along fine. Last night, for example, I lay down next to her while she was in bed sleeping.
While I often tease my Mom, I know she's one smart cookie (that's a term of endearment). She made me the tent way back in September 2007. You can read about it here. I didn't use it then because of the escape route thing. But now, years later, I use the tent when I am alone in the house. What can I say? It's a great napping spot. I love having different napping spots.
She bought me the heated cat cup years ago, and I didn't like that when it was new either, but Mom is persistent, and one day I just discovered how nice a napping spot it was.
So yeah, it's good to be formerly feral, but better if you have a very smart, and patient Mom.
Millie, you're such a special girl! But you do realize, don't you, that now your mom doesn't have the perfect place to let her bread dough rise, since you've decided it really is a CAT cup? :)
Millie - I would say you have a very special mom with lots of patience.
You have learned to trust your Mom a lot from when you were a kitten. You have trained her very well. Angel is not a lap kitty and only allows personal contact at her request, too.
Kudos to your Mom for her insight into feralness.
Millie, you haf the bestest mom!!!! we just love her! (and you!)
I am going to try and find that pattern for Killian - he might like a tent like you have - Millie...
Good to see you acknowledging it Millie. But I'm impatient on your mom's behalf! It's been four years - couldn't you sit on her lap and give her a cuddle now? You KNOW that she's not going to hurt you.
Sydney, Australia
Wow your Mom is very, very patient. Our Mom also made a "deal" with formally feral Bubbles when he first came to stay with her. The deal was that he would come and stay inside, but that she would let him out if he asked. Now many years later, he nearly never asks any more. But if he does, she does let him out - a deal is a deal.
Your human is very smart! My roommate Boodie was pretty close to feral when she came to live at my human's, and she required a lot of patience too. She is still shy, but not as much. I remember one time we needed a pet sitter, and my human interviewed a woman who forced herself on Boodie and picked her up. Boodie let her, but she was very unhappy. Needless to say, the woman did not get the job.
Millie, thank you for telling us about your relationship with your Mom! We have formerly feral fosters here that Mom and Dad are working with to tame. It is reassuring to know that there are GREAT MOMS LIKE YOURS out there who provide loving, caring, unconditional love homes to EXTRA SPECIAL kittehs like you!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel (& fosters Sunny and Sky)
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