Thursday, October 07, 2010

Thursday Three

1. I really like it when the heating monster works.

2. The FOX is not alone. There is a DOG with him, but neither will cause me any grief because they are both on a QUILT!

3. Mom just discovered the stats on my blog readership, and apparently I have readers from Brazil, the Netherlands, Ireland and Russia. Wow!


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Wow, you are an international celebrity!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Yep, friends from ALL over...

Megan said...

And here in Australia!!!!

Congratulations on your international profile Millie. Well deserved. But, I wonder, can you meow in Russian?

Sydney, Australia

Monday walkers said...

And it would be great to get some comments from Asia - the land of the Siamese pussy cats.
Do you know what a Siamese pussy cat looks like, Millie? Not my choice,however, and they don't meow, they whine!

Noela Sydney Australia.

Elin said...

And from Malaysia too! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Millie, i am a human from the Netherlandz. Every morning when i am at work i check your blog. You are very famous. I don't have a kitty myself, but there is you and i don't feel lonely anymore.
Kiss from Elka

Gigi said...

The Human wonders if maybe the Kitteh Blogosphere should start conducting international affairs since the Humans have botched it all up pretty badly.

SeaThreePeeO said...

We love the stats now available on Blogger too!

Those are three very interesting things, Millie.

Meowers from Missouri said...

we are glad the heating monster works there. we are stuck perchin' on mom an' dad inna livin' room, acause dad hasn't cleant the chimbly yet this year, so he can't make a fire inna firebox. an' we can't sleep wif them acause mom has lergies to us. it has already been in the 30s at night, an' that's plumb cold. thank bast mom leafs poofy quilts on alla the chairs, though, so we ain't quite as cold as we could be!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Glad da heaty thing works now...without da annoying beeping. Last week we hadded da heaty thing on and dis we we hadda haf da cold blowy thing on. Early fall brings all kindsa weather!

Sparkle said...

I love checking my stats and seeing where my visitors come from! It was interesting too, to see who wanted bookmarks during my book launch last weekend - one actually went to Costa Rica, which was cool!

Stellaluna said...

Hey, Sparkle is talking about me! That's right, you have a reader from Costa Rica :3