According to the news, lots of places had bad crack-and-boom storms yesterday. There was a Tornado watch in New Hampster. Tornadoes in New Hampster???? That's like snow in Hawaii!

It was crazy weather. It was sunny, then it got cloudy and windy, and rainy. Then it got sunny again, then it rained agai. What you can't see in this picture was that it was sunny at the same time it was pouring rain.

I found a good place to hide.
Mom always says if it rains while the sun is shining, it will rain again tomorrow1
I hope you had your paws over your ears Millie. Stay dry.
Sydney, Australia
A very sensible place to hide!
Yikes! We will cross our paws there will be no more tornado watches...let alone tornadoes touching down anywhere near you!
Stay safe!
that was a good plan Millie
Under the bed is the safest place in the house. Stay dry!
We had storms near here but we were lucky and they didn't go right over our house. But they were just south of us so we could hear them. And we are with the Kool Kitties - we hope there are no more storms like that around for anyone for a while!
Hello NH Neighbor!
First of all, I know exactly where that Rimmon Heights photo is and if you live near there as well then we are VERY CLOSE neighbors! I get so many replies to my posts so please forgive me if I cannot remember if you told me what city/town you live in but if we live near one another we'll have to meet in person some time! It's a small world after all!
Since you are NH resident, you may be familiar with the children's book author, Kathy Brodsky, and if you or any of your friends or relatives would like a chance to win one of her books please visit my blog to view participate in my GIVEAWAY CONTEST! The contest ends on June 12th!
Oh poor Millie! If that was me, there would be no furs at all showing from the hidey place! Hope it's calmer there now!
We had rain and sun at the same time too this weekend, but no booming storms.
Padre HATES crack and boom storms! He runs to the basement and hides among the boxes even before it gets here! (He's better than radar!)
Sorry to hear about the tornado watch! We get those here in O-Hi-O, and they can be scary! The sun / clouds / rain thing is what we call "Lake Effect weather" here.
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
My human's favorite weather is when it's sunny and pouring rain at the same time.
She is nuts.
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