It looks nice outside, but it's very cold for this time of the year. I am in a nice warm spot, and I'll be napping all day.

Here's the red tree across the street, in a picture taken this morning.

Mom has a correction about the red tree across the street. She says it is a
Japanese Maple.
Today is the last day to enter the Last Leaf Falls Contest. You have to put your guess in the comments of
this post. Good luck!
It's cold outside here too. But now our heating is working it's nice and warm in here. So we're also spending the day inside napping.
I always wanted a Japanese Maple tree. You look nice and snuggly in your bun
Okay...I have no idea about leaves, but I'm going to guess Nov 26th...Thanksgiving Day!
I live in So.Calif and if that tree was in my yard (yes we do have Japanese Maple out here) I would be guessing sometime in December or January! ~LOL~
Beautiful view you have Millie!
Oreo from "FURR"ginia says November 7th will be the last leaf day!
The yellow leavers are turning more golden, too
Great shot of you this morning Millie - one for the scrapbook me thinks.
The tree - have any leaves fallen at all? It looks very neat and tidy on the lawn underneath, and I can't tell if that's because no leaves at all have fallen or because your neightbours rake them up every day!
Sydney, Australia
We think dat it will be Nov. 30th. We have a japanese maple and none of our leaves have fallen yet.
We had that same weather this weekend - sunny but too cold!!
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