Kept her out of the sewing room I have!
Update: Milo and Alfie think we should have a contest, "When the Leafs Drop Off The Tree" Contest. I'm game.
Here goes. You enter the date you think there will be no more leaves on the red tree across the street. (It's a variety of Red Maple if anybody is interested.) The red leaves here are its normal color. It usually turns BRIGHT red in autumn. This tree hasn't done that yet.
Enter your guess in the comments of TODAY's post! Comments will be accepted until the end of the day, Saturday October 17.
Every day I will post a picture of the trees across the street. On the day where the red maple has NO LEAVES on any branch of the tree, that will be THE DAY, and the cats/woofies/buns who have selected that day will be the winner.
The prize will be treats of some kind. You can expect Temptations if you are a Cat, and some woofie snack if you are a woofie. If you are a bun, I will find treats for you too. (If anybody would like to donate prizes, let me know.)
So you can probably tell that you have to be a Cat, Woofie, or Bun to enter. (Hey, it's my blog and I make the rules.)
We are just coming into "Peak Foliage Season" in our part of New Hampster. The leaves will turn colors before they fall off the tree. Wind and rain knock the leaves down faster. We are supposed to have a lot of both in the next couple of days.
The leaves will be off the trees by December for sure. Don't guess any dates in December (unless you want to lose.) They'll be off sooner than that, but I'm not giving you any more hints, either.
Good luck!
Are yoo gonna have the "leafs dropped off the tree" contest this year? Just askin'!
November 15, one month from today. I think most of them will be off before then, but there's always a stubborn one or two. I've even seen a real stubborn one or two last until a heavy snow in January!
November 16. In Texas, in our front yard, the big Red Oak does not drop all it's leaves till January and then starts budding in March! That is why we have no idea about leaves in other parts of the country!
November 17th is our guess!!!!
November 18th is our guess
Roxy & Lucky
Fun idea! I guess the 12th of November
Hmmmm, I'm going to have to analyze this
...review my previous years photos of our own trees...calculate the temperatures...factor in the forcast...measure the moon's phases....and I'll get back to you with a date....hmmmmmm.
~Lisa Co9T
What a fab idea for a competition. Well done all of you for thinking it up.
For some reason 5th December sounds lucky to us
November 19th is our guess Millie.
Rusty and Deborah
What a wonderful idea, Millie. We have a red maple in our yard, too, so we know what our tree does 'cause we watch it every day.
Let's see...we'll guess Nov. 11.
Hmmmm. Leaves is falling in CT. Gonna have a noreaster today & tomorrow...hmmmm. Gotta think about this while I rest.
Grrrs from Gizzy
ok, we is going to guess Dec 3 - our grampies purrfday. that sounds like a lucky day to us
November 19th is my guess. It is purely a guess. We don't have much in the way of changing seasons here in SO. CA.
Noir presented me with a lovely stamp and I am now passing it along to you. If you want, it is on my Wednesday post titled (THANK YOU NOIR)
Peanut and Marshmellow, Ruby and pearlene said I better have guessed right. They like treats.
Have a great day
Hi Millie. I'm not a cat or a woofie, but I'm going to enter a guess anyway, just for the fun of it.
I'm going to say November 30.
Sydney, Australia
My guess is October 31st - Halloween Day...Thanks for the contest...
The human says it's been so long since she saw changing leaves, she just doesn't remember anymore.
And we've always been "southern girls", so that leaves us out.
But we'll submit a guess just the same and watch the trees with you: how about November 23.
Maggy & Zoey & Ann
The Zoolatry Girls
We were going to say November 17th, but that date is already taken, so we are going to guess November 14th.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
PS - thanks for the contest. We love your guessing games.
We is gonna guess Dec 1st!
We've had an odd year weatherwise this year in Minnesota so we are going to guess you will have an odd year too and will go out on a limb (ha ha)and say Dec. 16.
Hmmmm, I guess Nov 20 a month after my purrthday!
our gerls grand daddys purrday is november 29th. that's our guess.
November 27th is our guess!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Oh Cory took our guess! So we'll say November 13.
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
We's gonna guess December 2nd 2009.
Love & Purrs,
We are going to guess November 26th. That way if we are right we get another thing to be thankful for on Thanksgiving.
Okay - According to all my calculations we are choosing November 24th. Done! Wish me luck!
~Lisa Co9T
Ok, since the day we wanted is taken (11/11 - my birthday) we will go with 11/10 - I don't remember seeing that one.
Our guess is November 21.
Nora, Caity and Millie
(and their mom, Deb)
We are amazed that they will all be gone by December. So we will push it an say November 28th!
Hi, Millie,
Our guess is November 25th.
MamaCat & the FurryPurries
Ozzy, Alice, Bootsie, Freckles, Lola, Dandelo & Honey
November 20th. Ohhhhhhhhh how exciting!!
My guess is November 24th!
Oooooh, tree watching! We are going to guess 11/15.
It's cold here too. What happened to nice fall weather. Feels like it jumped to Winter.
This is a fun contest! We are guessing November 22.
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
We want to play, but all the days are taken for November, so we are going out on a limb and glue a leaf to stay on until December 7.
~ The Bunch
Okay--we choose November 12th--does anyone have that day?? (I don't remember seeing it above.) We are now down to 5 kitties--our daughter and her fiance took Ron & Georgy to their house in Carroll!--I'll miss them!) oh my.
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