Lookit these gi-normous snowflakes that fell yesterday morning while Mom was getting ready to go day hunting. Mom said there were many magical sliding cars while this was happening. Fortunately hers wasn't one of them.
Mom has been sewing the binding on her Alphabet Sampler Quilt a little bit each night. Here I am snoopervising her work and giving the quilt a QA inspection.

I understand a
stork will be visiting Monty Q's house later this year. I guess it wouldn't be a surprise to anybody if I said Mom is gonna make a quilt for this tiny bean. She already has big plans.
So what else is new?
What a cute quilt!! Wow, snow!!!
We are over the moon about the stork!
We hope your Mom made to work and home safe with all those magical sliding cars! We are excited for MontyQ's family. It is no surprise that your Mom will make a special quilt for this baby bean!
We are acited to be back online, gosh we missed yoo and alla our other frends too. We is soooo happy fur Monty Q and fambly :)
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