Friday, December 14, 2007

Formerly Feral Friday - Too Much Snow

They said it was gonna snow yesterday. They said it would start after lunch and end after dinner, with the heaviest snow falling right around the time everybody leaves their day hunting gigs to come home.

Mom decided to leave her day hunting gig early and work at home, which she did. The snow started almost exactly at 1:00 PM and ended at 9:00. Mom says we got 8 inches of snow, which means it fell an inch an hour. Which is a lot.

Mr Karate called about 4:15 and said to Mom, "Good. You're home. Stay there." There were stories of folks taking up to 2 hours to get home, where usually it would take 30 minutes.

Mom is glad she missed driving in the snow.

But she still had to shovel it.

I am -so- fortunate to be formerly feral. I have a great home. Nice and warm. And nobody ever expects me to shovel!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Same here, we like to sit in da windows and watch mom shovel and freeze. We'z not furry nice are we...

DK & The Fluffies said...


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

That looks mean an nasty out there!

The Wanderer said...

Wows thats alot of snow! We thinks you should put some in a package and ship it here. We gots a lite dusting awhile back, but it didn't stay long.

Parker said...

Brrrrr Millie, I agree, it's good to be FORMERLY Feral!

Anonymous said...

your right milly the BG got stuck and just left his car his car broke down on a major highway and after 3 hours and several calls to tripple A a tow truck came from the state and towed her to state police barrics and then 3 hours latter they told him tripple a was not comming he had to take trains home and did not get home till after one am and he left at 3 pm !!!! and he off to catch a bus to the train to get to work this morning ans mama has school!!! nwe had 10 inches of snow !!!

Lilly I glad i inside becuse i match wiff the snow Lu

Poppy Q said...

I hopes you are both staying toasty and warm. We has never lived anywhere dat has snow like dat. Lucky Santa has a sleigh and can get thru snow!!

Chance said...

WOW dat is lotta snow. Mommie sed we waz to gets sum snow too, but it turnded to icy yucky stuff instead. Now owr twee owtside is lusing da branchys. I canna wate to get sum snow. It luk pretties.

Boots, Ozzie and Brenda said...

We got some snow on Wednesday, then it turned very cold (its -32C or -26F here this morning!!). We are NOT sending the cold you way from the Canadian prairies!! Have a great day and stay warm!!

Brenda & Ninja

Anonymous said...

Millie you are so lucky to be a cat. You can just watch the flakes fall. No slipping on the ice for you!

And we have another storm coming our way this weekend!

Anonymous said...

Mom says it is no fun driving in the snow and it is good that your Mom left her hunting gig early.

One of the greatest things about being a cat is no chores! It is fun to watch the beans do chores.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That's a lot of snow! I'm glad your mom made it home before it got really bad. My mom is very happy she's not in Ottawa - they received 14 inches of snow last Monday!!!

Artsy Catsy said...

We agree, Millie ... the best way to be feral is FORMERLY! We're all so lucky we don't have to live out there in that snow!


LZ said...

Ah a New England winter with all of that snow! It is pretty though and I hope you have a white Christmas!


Monty Q. Kat said...

Let Mr TabbyMan keep you warm today, sweetie. :)


Milton said...

Mine mombena was lookin' at the pictures of you this past summer and she said she was missin' New England.

But now, not so much!

Jan Price said...

So glad you and your mom are home safe and staying warm. Not fit weather for man or beast.

Jan's Funny Farm

Chrissie said...

I'm thankful you're not feral anymore, Millie. It would be hard for a homeless cat to find a warm place in your part of the country at this time of year. It's practically a blizzard up there!

Mickey's Musings said...

That is a lot of snow and more is coming!!!!!!! I'm glad to be indoors too.Soooooo warmmmmm, I feel sleepy zzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
Purrs Mickey

Tybalt said...

Wow at all the snow! I'm glad you and your mommy are safe and warm.

Just Ducky said...

Stay inside and stay warm. I just watch the white stuff and am glad I don't have to be outside in it either.