Mom finally got smart and put the aff-gan on top of the down comforter. I like that a lot. I spent a lot of my time on the bed yesterday. Here I am watching the birdies in the bushes outside.
I have amazing news. Guess where I slept last night? In my nifty bed? In the heated cat cup? On my cat hammock? No, no and no.
I slept on the bed with Mom. Right next to her all night long.
Millie, that is news.
And smart.
More news from me... Missy slept on one side and KC on the other!
All these cats that said "never" just did! ha ha. (and I am really glad)
ML (Mary Lynn)
That is wonderful Millie! :) Sleeping next to one of my humans, or between them, is my favourite spot. :)
oh Millie! We bet your mommy was so happy that she hardly moved!
millie, that is wonderful news! i bet you were all cozy and warm. i am also a little bit timid around the mommy lady and the daddy man. and last night i spent a little while on the people bed with them while they sleeped! did your mommy get any sleep or did she just watch you like mine did?
p.s. our mommy lady insists on keeping an old blankie on top of their comforter too. something about the kitties who came before (mohawk and clyde) horking on the bed. plus, she says it's less work to wash the blankie to remove cat fur than to wash the comforter. but i don't know why she would want to do that. what's wrong with an extra layer of fur in the winter?
Millie, we think you & your mom need each other. You are a couple of girls on your own & you gotta stick together.
Oh Millie! That is wonderful. I'm so glad for you AND your mommy. I'm sure that made her so especially happy.
I bet you made her really happy! Good work.
Oh Millie, isn't it lovely to suck up da beans body heat? I bet yoor mom was furry, furry happy. Beans are so easy, sit on der lap, sleep wif dem, ask fur a skritch or two and wham, dey is walking around all happy.
Captain Jack loves to sleep between our beans. And afghans are so comfy to sleep on too!
Awww, I bet that made your mom really happy.
Oooooh, how neat! We bet she liked that even more than if you had slept in your heated cup.
Jan's Funny Farm
Wow, Millie! I bet that excited your mom to no end! Sometimes you have to do stuff like that for them. Moms can be SO needy.
Dat is awesome news Millie. It is the bestest place to sleep when the nights are cold.
Between the knees is best, cause unless thems haves really long arms they can't really touch you.
I hope your mom got some sleep.
PS Millie, you and your mommy are so sweet to give little Chance a Gizzy blanket at his new home. He is such a little snuggler that he will love keeping warm and snug on it. Thanks so much for thinking of him. I can't wait until he gets to meet his new mommy.
Has your mommy considered taking in a "Mite" from ML to keep you company???
It's nice to sleep with your mom, isn't it, Millie.
It's nice to sleep with your mom, isn't it, Millie.
Thats whut we did last night too!
Ooh! We sleep next to The Big Thing almost all every night (well, we do look outside in the dark).
That is so great, isn't it, sleepin with the Bein?
Millie if you ask me that is the best place to sleep. The closer the better!-Sultanfus
Its great that you slept with the mombean! Its always nice and warm on the down comforter next to the mombean, its my favorite place to sleep. Its also a great place to make biscuits!
Wow, that is news. I sleep on mum's bed, on top of the covers. But we help keep each other warm in the winter.
Just be careful, millie sleeping on the human bed. Feet can move in the middle of the night and disturb you
About time you got the aff-gan. Those are mighty comfortable, as you now know. It's nice that you kept your Mom company last night. A cat never knows when her human might need her.
Wow, I can't believe you slept in your momma's bed. I sleep with My lady, but only in the winter when she has her electric mattress pad on. I hate it in the summer cause the air conditioner is running and it makes a lot of noise!
Ta-Da! I bet your Mom was pretty happy about that cozy surprise!
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