Suddenly Jasmine jumped up and tried to crawl under the monitor to get me, growling and snarling. The Lady grabbed her, and dropped her to the floor. I came out from my spot and jumped off the desk. Then Jasmine and I had a chase around the house.
She ended up sitting next to the Lady and I ended up watching from the table in the table room.
I think she won this round.
There's always next time.

The Lady says that for us to have done this week's Toesday or WacKy wENzdAy, she would have had to know about it by 6PM Eastern time the day before. Because 6:30 AM the day of is WAY TOO LATE to post the special topic of the day and still make it to work on time. That's why you didn't see any Toesdays or Wacky Wenzdays from us. Not 'cause we didn't want to. But if you want Wacky, there's always this old shot of Gizzy. He got in the Lady's oil paint. It isn't toxic or anything, just a very strong staining color.
-- added late Thursday night....
Y'know what's really funny about this picture of Gizzy? That was the third time he got paint all over himself. That's the second time he got the same green all over him. The first time he just got it on his mouth and cheeks and nose. The second time he got yellow and orange paint on his face. An' you wouldn't believe the things the Lady did with her paints to keep him away from them. But hey, she was painting, her palette was out, and he is, after all, Mr Curiosity.
-- added late Thursday night....
Y'know what's really funny about this picture of Gizzy? That was the third time he got paint all over himself. That's the second time he got the same green all over him. The first time he just got it on his mouth and cheeks and nose. The second time he got yellow and orange paint on his face. An' you wouldn't believe the things the Lady did with her paints to keep him away from them. But hey, she was painting, her palette was out, and he is, after all, Mr Curiosity.
ahhhhh hahahahahahahaha. A green Gizzy. hahahahahahahaha.
Oh, that picture is so funny!!! He's a "green-point."
Ha, ha that's a funny picture. And I love that you measure disance in Gizzies. I think we should adopt it as the official unit of meausurement in the cat blogoshere.
We also did not do Toesday or Wacky Wednes day 'cause we heard about it to late to get appropriate pictures. But we'll try next week.
Silly Gizzy!
I was green was Mewomy's fault. She tried to rub in my flea stuff with a plastic bag that had green on it. I was not amused.
That's not nice that your siblings aren't nice to you. We all get along and snuggle together. Although Kaze is NOT Chase's favorite.
you look like an artiste with the paint stain!
Well, the color is Thalo Green, it's transparent, and it's VERY STRONG, as you can see. Gizzy only got a tiny bit on him, and it made all that mess. It is a staining color. It took about a week to go away. The Lady was pretty amazed it went that quickly. On any other surface it would have been "permanent" as in forever permanent.
Oh and we thought that might be his natural exotic colour ~Merlin, Shadow, KO kO
Heehee! I'm always trying to help my OTW with her pigments and dyes, and she's always chasing me away. Lucky for me I can't get stained since I'm already as dark as I can be!
That's a Wacky Wednesday shot if I ever saw one. Thankfully it came out. I'm sorry Jasmine has decided that you are an intruder cat and not welcome at all. Maybe she'll change her mind some day.
Heeeheheesnortheheeh. Sorry, but a green kitty is pretty funny. Hi Millie, we still trash the tree too. It's funner than anyfing isn't it.
Gizzy, green is NOT your best color. ;)
Gee, Millie, we thought you were gettin' along better there!
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