Gizzy likes to nap under the tree. He doesn't like it when I come jumping off the tree near him. He doesn't like sharing his spot under the tree either.
Jasmine sometimes likes to nap under the tree too. She REALLY doesn't like it when I do pretty much anything within say, one and a half Gizzys. So if I am in the tree, or if I wanna go near the tree or if I try to get outta the tree, she has a hissy fit. As usual.
This morning the Lady came walking by and she saw me. I was in the tree, about eye level with her. Which means I was about four and a half feet up in the tree (she's only five feet tall). Since my belly, front paws and half of my face are white, she saw me right away. She wasn't exactly pleased.
I think she is putting off decorating the tree because she hopes I will get bored playing in it. Yeah right. As soon as she puts cool stuff on, I have a lot more reasons to climb it and knock stuff off. It's gonna be so much fun. About thirty-eight kinds of fun, like Max is always talking about.
The Lady has decided that she is not going to put any breakable ornaments on the tree. So that means it won't sparkle quite so much. But she LOVES Christmas and has a ginormous box of ornaments that I can't break. I think that's quite considerate of her.
Considering I plan to play in the tree each and every day until New Year's, when she takes it down.
One and a half Gizzys!!!! What a perfect way to measure! Your tree is looking a lot like ours last year. Our tree still isn't up this year. Sometime this week though I think. Mom's favorite story from last year is when Dad woke up one morning and found me sleeping in the tree... halfway up. Keep up the good work Millie. You're a great kitten!
You have such good adventures. I wish I had a tree to play in too.
Trees are for climbing and you are very good at it. I'm glad that your Mommy isn't going to put anything breakable on the tree this year. Enjoy your tree, but please don't chew any wires.
molly always has a good time climbing our tree, she likes to sit on top like an angel, we call her the littliest angel, even if she isnt little anymore. we have breakable balls as ornaments so we only have a couple left each year and have to buy new ones. but its worth it.
the zoo
The Lap Lady thinks I'm going to act like you with a tree. Last year they bought plastic balls because of Latte and I'm glad because they can't get broken. My breeder says none of her kitties are bad with a tree but the LL is skeptical...
P.S. Keep an eye out for "Brown". ;)
Oh I want to come visit your house and climb your tree. I wish we had a big tree. Ours is tiny. Not even as big as me! If I climbed it, I'd squish it flat. Oh well. I'll go have a nap and dream bout your tree.
Dear Millie,
You are a pip!
I think its wise of your Lady not to put anything on the tree just yet; you may be all the decoration the tree needs (or gets) this year.
He, he. Good job Millie. You are really showing tht tree (and the Lady) who's boss.
It is the job of all kittens to climb the tree. It's a Christmas tradition.
Heh. The People havent put our tree up yet, because they're afraid Buddah will get in it like you do. I hope he does! I'll take pictures!
Mom doesn't dare try a tree with 4 of us here!!
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