Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Ta-Da! Tuesday

Mom did it!  Look what the man in the bloo shorts left at my door yesterday.
Of course, I haven't actually tried drinking from it yet, but Mom sure has been trying!
Mom put a treat on that little dry ramp, but when I touched it with my nose it fell in the water. I did not go after it.

Mom likes that it is stainless steel and that it's easier to clean than the last one. It doesn't have a fountain like thing, but the water slides down a ramp. Naturally I will check it out after Mom leaves. When Mom bought me the first fountain, I didn't drink from it for two or three days. Just to make sure I do have water to drink, Mom puts a water bowl next to my stinky goodness.  I'll be fine, kits, don't worry about me.

Alas, Camp Stanhope, you have not won the When When Contest.


Random Felines said...

that fountain looks interesting.... mom keeps thinking about getting us one but hasn't yet.

Sushi said...

That looks intriguing. You know what momma does? Since it's too hot here because it's summer, she drinks iced water and she puts ice cubes on my yellow water container. I get to play with the cubes of ice.

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Cool looking fountain!

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

We have the ceramic version, but the stainless steel looks prettier.

Poppy Q said...

We look forward to fountain updates. It looks pretty fancy, and we hope you use it.

Julie and Poppy Q

Camp Stanhope Happenings said...

Yes, bummer for not winning. We still have snow, too, and that dang drift in the back by the bushes will be here until MAY!!

Megan said...

Well done Mom and the Man in the Bloo Shorts - they make a great team and always deliver the very best stuff to you, Millie. Enjoy.

Sydney, Australia

Angel Simba said...

Very snazzy fountain. We look forward to hearing that you drink from it. Purrrrrrs.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is a very interesting fountain

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Fabulous fountain Millie! Stainless Steel seems GREAT!