Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Talk, Talk, Talk!

You know what Mom's big surprise is? 

She's gonna TALK! That's it, just talk. Yak yak yak!  She does that ALL THE TIME! I don't know what is so special about Mom talking. Yak yak yak..

Well, actually, she is going to get paid green papers to talk to some quilters in St Louis Missouri, which is over a thousand miles away from here.  And Mom says her story starts with ME!

That's pretty cool. 

You can all depend on me to spill all the secrets of this excellent adventure. See you in St Louis next October 5 and 6, 2013!


Megan said...

Hey - get your bags packed Millie. Your mom will have to take you along as part of her 'show and tell'. And just think about all the crazy quilter ladies that will start reading your blog once they've heard your story. Wowza!

I see that you've got a little bit of time to prepare for the adventure - your mom is so important that people have to book 15 months in advance to get her. Double wowza.

Congratulations mom and pusscat.

Sydney, Australia

Poppy Q said...

That's great news Miss M, that your story has helped your mom get famous and more green papers. I hope she buys you a fabulous fan or some fancy feasts.

julie and Poppy Q

Sheila said...

What a great surprise Millie, I don't know how you ever kept it a secret? Living with you, I am sure she has lots of great stories. Love the picture!

Cherie in St Louis said...

What a wonderful picture of you and your mom! You really have changed her life, haven't you Miss Millie? I can't wait to hear your mom talk and take the wonderful workshop, woo hoo!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is really cool. Is it at a quilt show? ST Louis is not that far away!

Sparkle said...

OMC, that is AWESOME news! I can't wait for the report - well, I guess I will have to wait since it is some months away.

meowmeowmans said...

That sure is cool, Millie! We think it's wonderful that your story has helped your Mom so much. We love your picture today, by the way. :)

Angel Prancer Pie said...

That is definitely cool Miss Millie! Concats to the MOm.

Anonymous said...

Love the picture of you and your Mom. Who took it?

Teresa in NC

Just Ducky said...

We hope you get to go along too Miss Millie.

Saku said...

That's awesome Millie. Be sure to sneak into her suitcase when she's not looking, then you'll get to go too!

(Sounds like a wonderful opportunity to share your knowledge and experiences. Enjoy!)

Sasha, Sami, & Saku (Mom Eileen)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow, green papers fer talkin? TBT talks ta US alla time. Mebbe we can cash in on that...

Frostin said...

We just gave you a reward!