Mom says I should enjoy the sunshine and the open windows as long as I can because Irene is coming.

Usually when we have company, Mom makes the house look nice. Instead, Mom has moved all the small stuff from the porch to the basement, and moved the flower planters off the railings.

Mom went food hunting last night, because she said if she went today it would be crazy. It turned out to be crazy when she was there last night. She said the store did not have any Bananas! Can you imagine? No bananas. Mom bought strawberries instead. Fortunately, Mom also stocked up on stinky goodness for me!
Even though Mom does NOT want Irene to come here, she will be cooking a chicken, some eggs and even baking a cake! I told Mom I thought that was pretty dumb, but she explained that if we lose electricity we will have food to eat, and she said, what the heck, having a cake would be good too.
So we're ready and waiting. Irene should be here on Sunday, and she will be bringing her strong winds (60 MPH) and lots and lots of rain. We hope all our other friends will be safe.
It is good that you are prepared Millie. We went through several hurricanes (Katrina, Rita, etc)and they are no joke. Remember the water and a manual can opener for the stinky goodness. Stay safe Millie and family.
Oh, Millie, we will be thinking about you. Irene will pass us first. I hope you keep your power. Purrs.
Sounds like your mom has everything under control, Millie! Hoping Irene loses strength before she gets to you!
Good thinking on your mom's part about the cake :)
Keep it safe Millie. If you get too scared go under the bed, but I really hope it won't come down to that.
For an unwelcome visitor, your human is doing an awful lot of preparing!
Our Mommy thinks cake is appropriate for ALL occasions!
Please stay safe, both of you!
Hope you will be well fed and safe!
Take care!
If Irene arrives at your home, Millie, my advice is to snuggle with your mom. She'll no what to do and will be a great source of comfort and reassurance for you. (And exploit the opportunity to ask for extra treats too.) If Irene doesn't arrive, just relax and enjoy the cake!
You be safe to Miss Millie.
We'll be sending our most positive thoughts to you, Millie. And to Simba and Audrey, too.
We hope you do not get too much bad weather from Irene. But at least there will be cake!
Keep safe my friends, and enjoy your cake and stinky goodness. We are hanging out for strawberry season here - two more months.
Stay safe and take care of each other. We'll all be purraying that Irene doesn't due too much damage.
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