Friday, August 19, 2011

Frisky Friday

I don't spend ALL DAY on the quilt in the plum wing chair. I do stuff.
What do I do? I sit in the windows and look outside, I whap things, and I hunt.

You heard me, I hunt. A cricket got in the house yesterday. It is getting cooler at night, and they want to get inside to get warm. Well, I do not like bugs in MY house, so I hunted him down and deaded him. I left him on the floor in the living room so Mom would know. I thought she'd take a picture as a trophy, but nope.


PS, check this out: Cat Scans! It's just too funny!


Angel Simba said...

I see that in the picture you are still on the same quilt, just not in the wing chair.

Good JOB with the Cricket!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You have Mom trained very well to move your quilt to different locations! YOu are a good hunter!

Pasha's Mommy said...

you do look like an awsome hunter today Millie, good job.

I see that you're taking your quilt with you everywhere you go :)

Angel Prancer Pie said...

The only good cricket is a deaded cricket! Good job, Millie! xoxo

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Crickets are fun ta chase! We hardly see anny inside though. LC used ta tell me about lots of them in the garage. Mebbe it has got too dry for them here.


Sparkle said...

You should have eaten the cricket, Millie - they are very tasty!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Good job Millie!
We have lots of moths on the screens in the evenings to keep us busy but so far none inside.

Anonymous said...

We love the Cat Scans and sent them to lots of friends who love them too. Did you move the quilt yourself? Very clever... I hope mom was appreciative of the deaded cricket even if she didn't "shoot" it for posterity.

Lizzie & 3 kitties

Megan said...

Good work on the cricket hunting, Millie. I share your disappointment that there are no photos.

Sydney, Australia

Just Ducky said...

Yep, no bugs in our house either. Have a wonderful weekend.

Monday walkers said...

Clever girl Millie ( but we really need proof!).

Noela Sydney Australia

Gigi said...

Millie, You ARE a busy girl.

It was nice of you not to eat that cricket up. I am sure your Mom appreciated your generosity. Did she fry him up with some eggs?

The Selvage Fairy said...

Check your contract, Millie. I'm pretty sure your mom is supposed to photgraph anyhting you dead.