For those of you who didn't know I have a bionic leg (hip, actually), you can check out the before and after pictures here: NNY: Meet the Lady of the Hour. If you want to start at the beginning, start reading here: Malcolm, Friends to Kittens Everywhere.
Miss M, you look like you have a tasty feast there.
That food looks tasty. We didn't know you had a bionic leg!
ooo yummmm! I didn't know you were bionic either.
I remember watching this situation unfold and prayed that 'no name yet' would find a wonderful home. My prayers (and the prayers of many others) were answered when she came to live with Gizzy, Jasmine and Lynn. What a wonderful ending to a scarey situation. Wishing you health and happiness for the future.
Brenda, Boots & Ozzie
And, as your mom pointed out yesterday, it's nice that that's the leg that sports the black leg warmer on it! Wouldn't want your titanium getting cold now, would we?
Sydney, Australia
My bad boy, MrKitty, also has a bionic hock, and no hip joint thanks to a raccoon - he is now 10 and as agile as ever (at 15.2 lbs that is something) and is a completely indoor boy - with a huge screen porch.
And I love your blog, Darling Millie.
How neat is it that we can click on a link or two and read all about your adventures (and see you when you were just a wee kitteh). Isn't technology (in so many ways) just wonderful?!?!?
we doesn't like that you HAD to get a bionic leg, but a bionic leg is pretty kewl.
Millie, that means that you're worht a million $$$ ♥ :)
Bionic leg: WAY better than a peg leg!
We followed you from the first.
Wow, Millie< I realized from your profile about your leg, but this is the first time I read the details. You have some super special humans.
Is it the anniversary again?
We remember when you were a scared tiny little kit cowering in the corner of that box.
We love you Millie!
I just found your blog and have had a few minutes of delightful reading. How Cute!!!!
And it's a fine looking leg, too, Millie.
Noela Sydney Australia
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