This is what it looks like outside Mom's window this morning. It looks cold, but Mom says it will warm up nicely today and it will stay sunny. That means the snow will melt!

Mom takes these pictures at about 7 o'clock in the morning, while the sun is still sleepy.

I have been working hard, inspecting fabric. This lovely collection came from
Chris, the lady who does the longarm quilting on Mom's quilts.

Mom bought these from an online shop. We both like black and white together.

And I have performed the QA test on this quilt, which will be going to a fellow tuxie girlcat.
We love that quilt Millie the colours look so fresh and pretty - the tuxie cat will love it we're sure.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
We all love the bright colors! Of course, Black and white are favorites, too!
Hi Millie, the quilt is beautiful, just like you!
You are SUCH a good helper!
your furs really go well with that quilt!
Hi Millie! Wow, you still have so much snow! That is crazy!
We think that all those fabrics are pretty - we agree about the black and whites being great! And that quilt you inspected looks like it is going to be beautiful!!
Mom loves blues. Can she have that quilt?
You look very pretty on that blue quilt, but I love you on the black and white stripes best!
Good to see you heavily involved in your mom's quilting and taking your responsibilities seriously.
Sydney, Australia
I see you have been hard at work, Millie!
You are a really hard worker, Millie, with all that inspecting to do. Our snow is almost all gone now.
Very pretty fabrics! We think the black and white is good camouflage for you!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel (& fosters Sunny and Sky)
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