The snow finally stopped after dark last night. This is what it looks like this morning.

Mom usually waits until there are no metal masheens in the street when she takes the picture, but today, she wanted you to see how high the snow is.
Where was I hiding out during the snowstorm?

In my tent!
Mom made the tent about four years ago, and I liked it as much as I liked the cat cup.
wow we think you got more snow. If we had that much mom woulda been stuck in the driveway for sure.
Your snow and ours look somewhat similar though I think you got more. It is always nice once the streets are lowed out, though it spoils the perfect look, doesn't it? That car sure does show how high your snow is.
You sure are a cat that need to let sleepy spots "age" before you use them. :)
I think you like your cat cup and tent now because you feel safe and secure in your new's good to be formerly feral, isn't it?
We didn't get our snow when you did, but we has bout dat much on the ground. I loves your tent - it's really cool.
We have about 33 cms or so down, over the past week or so. Not sure what that is in inches. We just know it's white. And cold. And a pain the butt, the mom says.
We think your tent is super-cool! Wow!
That's what our neighborhood looked like this morning as well! Thank goodness because driving in the storm was no fun yesterday! I am done with winter! Glad Millie had a nice nap in her tent though!
That's a lot of snow Millie! And a girl has the right to change her mind about her sleeping arrangements!
you gots LOTS more snow than we does!
Your mom really could make some bucks selling those tents... just sayin'...
Luv your tent, Millie - I was wondering if I could squeeze in with you to have a doze, but........I think not!
Noela Sydney Australia
Your tent looks like a TeePee! Ours looks like a popup!
Your mom is a very very patient woman Millie. She seems willing to allow you as much time as you need to get comfortable with things. I think that makes her quite remarkable.
Sydney, Australia
Millie, between your tent and your cat cup, you have it made! I would have a hard time deciding where to nap every day.
HI Millie! Wow you got a LOT of snow! That is crazy! Your tent looks like the perfect place to hang out and wait for that nasty snow to go away!
I love your cat tent! Your mom did an amazing job with it. Do you know where she found the pattern?
You have way more snow than we do here in Whiskerconsin. Stay inside, stay warm.
When does the annual "When Will The Snow Melt" contest start?
And we love the teepee! We don't recall seeing it before though...
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