Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Tuxie Tuesday

Winter is coming. It is getting cold out, and I have been napping a lot in my heated cat cup. Before I take my morning nap, I like to lie here in the window looking out at the street. It's usually a quiet spot, out of Mom's hustle and bustle workday morning routine, but she caught me and took this picture.

I want you all to know that when Mom posts a photo of me, it is one she has taken recently. I don't like to go back in the old photo albums and show -old- pictures. I want you to see NEW pictures. This one was taken this morning.

Speaking of new, I want to see if Monty comes out from under the bed!


Rosemary B❤️ said...

this very recent and quite fresh from the garden photo of you is just adorrrrabonkbibble, Millie.
stay warm. Here we are having sunshine but it is 25 degrees in Northern Virginia (the you know, SOUTH)
and it should skyrocket up to 36 today!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Mom likes to use fresh new photos, too. But sometimes she takes several and spreads them out over the week. WE want to see Monty come out, too!

SeaThreePeeO said...

Sounds like a great place to hang out in the mornings!

Chester & Mickey said...

Stay warm Millie. We're supposed to make it to 50 today.

While fresh pics are nice; we also take from a stockpile that we have. For when we don't feel like posing. That way we convey the same mood without having to perfectly pose every time.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Uh-oh, we recycle photos. Jan can't keep up with us all and we aren't cooperative. Your photos are always cute, Millie.

Megan said...

I never doubted your artistic integrity Millie. Although, having said that, I figure that it must get just a little bit wearing having to pose for your mom almost each and every day, so I could understanding your insisting that she might take half a dozen photos in the one photoshoot and using them over the following week.
I lurve today's pic - unusual angle, and a great close-up of your face. Another winner!

Sydney, Australia

Shaggy and Scout said...

What a darling photo Millie!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Ya look very comfy there, Millie!

Sparkle said...

I like fresh-off-the-memory-card photos too! But my human still has hundreds of good, unused photos of me from years past. So we struck a deal and sometimes I'll run old ones, as long as I get to point out that they're older.

Mr Puddy said...

Millie, you look so cute...Lovely comfy photo of you : )