Trust me, I am very well aware of how lucky I am!
***Hey gang, could you all send some purrs and positive vibes to my friend Missy-the-Woofie? She's feeling poorly, and has inflamed bowel disease. Missy is Mim-may's woofie, and she's a very special girl. Thanks!
We have hots too, but no air conditioning. We hope it cools down for you soon.
I am going to purr all day for Missie! I know a lot obout tummy troubles as I have suffered with that nasty giardia on and off since forever, and I still take pills and I still have tummy troubles. Poor Missy.
I want her to feel better
here it is pretty hot too, but we have a breeze today and mom is hoping we get some rain
bonkbonkbonk Milly. Enjoy your day!
Keep cool sweetie.
We have the hots too, but no a/c either. It's miserable in our house.
Lots of purrs and Light to Missy!!!
Keep cool Millie. We will start purring for Missy had hope she feels better soon.
We are sending lots of purrs and prayers for Missy!
And we hope things cool off for you soon Millie! Have a great weekend!
Hots are here, too.
We will send some purrs for Missy-the-Woofie. Here they come!
Nice! I wish I could sit right in front of that. Out cold air comes out of thingies in the ceiling...can't nap in front of that...
We are happy that you are staying cool.
We sure do send purrs and positive thoughts for your friend.
Peanut has inflamatory bowel disease. He was on predisone for a very long time and has been in remission for several years now.
The cool air thingie is great. We get ours coming outta the floor though...
You sure did find the best spot in the house!
Hey Millie - if you plonk yourself right in front of the air colditioner, how much air is going to get through to cool down your Mom? You're a pretty bit girl now - you might need to move over just a little bit.
Sydney, Australia
We are sending purrs and head bumps to Missy!
you are looking like one cool cat :)
Poor Missy, we is purring fur her. We know all about da tummy trubbuls, Speedy snuck a little snack dat he shouldn't haf and skwirted a little bit...oh, we weren't apposta say dat. Well, stay cool and enjoy da new chill chest.
We will purr for Missy...and we are glad you told us.
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