My Mom rocks!
P.S. Megan, you are right. I am a bit hard on my Mom. I do love her. I just don't want her to think she's got me wrapped around her little finger. A catgirl like me needs to maintain the appearance of being aloof. Thank you for being such a faithful reader.
Can we come to your house?? Stinky goodness is what we live for!
From Peanut and Marshmellow
You certainly got that right Millie - your mom rocks in so many ways, and I sometimes get concerned that you're tough on her and don't appreciate everything she does for you. For starters, while you might think that practically every pusscat on the planet has a blog, that simply isn't true. And your mom helps you so frequently with your blog, which is just wonderful.
And another thing - she lets you sit all over her freshly-washed laundry. Not many moms allow that you know.
And she's made you your very own quilt, and then made a whole bunch more for many of your friends in cyberspace.
I think you are very lucky not only to be formerly feral but to have picked such a great mom out of the bunch.
Sydney, Australia
Ohhhhhh! YOU LUCKY KITTY! We may just show up sometime for dinner. Don't worry, we'll bring our own bowls. :D
WOW! Can we pop over for lunch?
That looks like a fun feast there Miss M. I am down to the last 4 cans, so my mum better stock up too.
Have a nice weekend ladies.
::drooling:: lookit all the stinky goodness............
You are a lucky girl to get that many at one time! Mom would but a couple of flavors to see which one we like!
All I can say is . . . YUM!!!!!!!
We think it's time for a PARTY!!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We love when dat happens! Yoor mom is really good to yoo, but yoor right, we gotta keep 'em in line.
YUM! There's plenty there, enough to invite a few blogosphere friends over for some noms!
ps: Shaggy absolutely loves the All Natural Friskies treats you sent! He stole the pouch when mom wasn't looking and tried to run off with it!
PS. Millie - thanks for your note. I feel as if I'm famous - I've had my name included in one of your blog postings!
I understand the whole "cat as aloof goddess-like creature" facade, but to be brutally honest, I don't think it suits you. I think you're a much warmer, loving cat than that.
Another option might be to present yourself to your mom and the world as one of the cleverest cats on the planet: one who was born "in the gutter" (almost literally, I guess), but who had the determination and smarts to elevate themselves to their present very happy circumstances by choosing - from all the possible moms around - your mom. As you might say: "Wowza!"
You have scored yourself a wonderful forever home with a doting mom and every comfort that you could possibly want.
If you went with this approach, then you could acknowledge your mom by boasting to the rest of us about every new wonderful thing she did for you, which, in turn, would add to your cleverness in finding her.
What do you think?
Sydney, Australia
Your mum has her stash of fabrics, you have yours of stinky goodness.
Wowser! You hit the motherload of stinky goodness! Nice!
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