I just have to make sure we don't run out of eggs!
PS, if you are in the "mid-Atlantic" region of the US, I hope you are staying safe in the snow. (We are only supposed to get a little bit - maybe 4 inches.)
PPS, Mom admits to being fumble fingered. I did -not- lick any of that egg. Eew.
did you lick up any of the egg?
We waz gonna say eggsactley wot Meezer and Billy said! That's spooky! But did yoo?
Why was your mum throwing eggs?
We are in South West Virginia - near Blacksburg - we have 22-26 inches depending on where you measure .. Momys working on the pictures - she dosnt want us out too long in it so Snows pictures tomorrow.
I hope your mom got her stress relieved. Did any of those eggs cook on that hot-as-hell box? We don't have those here, we have holes that blow out hot air.
Glad Mom Bean is feeling better and getting the Christymas spirit! Moms get real tired this time of year. Just give her lots of PURRS and KISSES, she'll perk right up.
I got to see the falling WHITE STUFF for the first time and I didn't like it! Mom called it SNOW. We got 9 inches and is deeper than I am tall, with more on the way. It froze my toes and my nose! If it wasn't for my black spots, you couldn't find me!
Maybe Mom will put a CHICK-HEN in the hot as hell box for you...YuMMM. Stay warm....
Your pal and fozen Oreo from "FURR"ginia.
I got some of them hot as hell boxes...mom doesnt like them said she would prefer....."vents"...whatever that is but did you get involved with the eggs?
I got some of them hot as hell boxes...mom doesnt like them said she would prefer....."vents"...whatever that is but did you get involved with the eggs?
Does she have fumble fingers like our mom?
Yesterday ours bobbled a pouch of Temptations and they fell all over the floor!
We saw on the news that you are getting lots of that white stuff. Stay safe and warm!
I just have to say that is a beautiful photo of you!
Hey, at least your mom knows how to use the hot as hell box. I'm pretty sure the Woman has no clue what it's for.
We like the hot as hell boxes too.
I love your photo today.
It sure is snowing! Mommy is making home-made macaroni and cheese! I hope she drops some!
Ick - messy! We would have helped clean (licked) those up in a jiffy!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Oh, eggs are GREAT!
Were there good smells coming from the hot as hell box.
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