You see, she's been day hunting so hard that she gets home very, very tired. (I wonder sometimes just what she's hunting.)
She doesn't do much. She makes dinner, and is too tired to clean the pots and the pans. (so I can't just jump on the counter any time I want.)
She sits in the recliner and watches stupid stuff on the picture box. (She doesn't play with me as much.)
She hasn't worked in the sewing room since before the Big Turkey. She yawns great big yawns. So big she looks like a lion. (I wonder if she'll swallow a fly?)
She hasn't put any presents under the Christymas tree. She hasn't mailed the stack of Christymas cards she has. (Too busy to buy stamps.)
The hot-as-hell box hasn't had a workout yet. The Christymas stockings are -empty-. (Even mine)
My stash of stinky goodness only has two cans left. (Two).
I dunno what got into my Mom (or what has gone out of her), but I want my busy, noisy, energetic Mom back. (I don't think that's too much to ask.)
(I don't want to run out of stinky goodness, either)
Sounds like your mom might need some purrs.
I agree with The Fluffies: now is the time for you to step up Millie and give your Mom lots of loving. Purrs, cuddles, hugs - you might even consider lap sitting. Now THAT would be a wonderful Christmas present for you to give her.
In between all her day hunting and cooking and sewing and cleaning, she also helps you by typing up your blog page for you every day.
I think she said about this time last year that she might have to cut back on the amount of time she spent blogging, and that you might be restricted to only two or three blogs each week. I was very sad at the prospect - and absolutely delighted that she changed her mind and enabled you to continue daily blogs throughout 2009. It's given you ample opportunity to stay connected to everyone who knows you in cyberspace and has given all of us a lot of pleasure. We look forward to 'hearing' from you every day.
So, big big hugs for your Mom please Millie - from all of us.
Sydney, Australia
Miss Millie, my mum is tired too, but only 12 days til she gets some days off. So I knows how you feels girlfriend.
You tell your mom to take it easy and not to worry, everything will work out. Mum has started wrapping presents tonight, but has sent no cards this year. She hasn't bought groceries in a week, and I am running out of biscuits. I do have more than 2 cans of fancy feast though.
Relax ladies, and enjoy the quiet moments together, and snuggle up on the chair together.
Big smooches
Julie and Poppy Q
Mommy says that it 'tis the season to be too busy...
I can't wait till she gets some time away from her day hunting place!
We hope your Mom will take some holidays soon. Only 2 cans of stinky goodness left is very worrisome! After tomorrow our Mom is not going day hunting for a whole two weeks! We are very excited. We think you should just sit with your Mom and purr very hard. Maybe that will make her feel better.
purrrrrrrrrsssss for your mom!!! our the mom has been like that the last couple of weeks too. we doesn't like it one bit
Theres a good remedy for that! Lots and lots of really good cuddles and snuggles
What a darling post. And a very pretty picture of you, Millie. I know you are worried especially about the low stock of cans, but you will never actually go hungry. Maybe your mom will get a few days off soon and can recover.
Oh good heavens to Betsy! Hang in there Mom! And we know that she will get you more food Millie. Maybe Christmas Day will be a much happier day for you, and it is only 8 days away.
Luf, Us
Hey Millie ~ it's really, really tough being a grown up, especially this time of year. Your mom needs you A WHOLE AWFUL LOT right now ... so just keep purring and rubbing and making your presence known whenever she is around ... Angel sends her purrs to add to yours ...
We humans are a crazy lot. In two months we'll be aching for something to do...
I, too, am looking forward to my four days off next week...though at least one of them will be very busy. Ho,ho!
~Lisa Co9T
poor Mom! It takes so much energy to day hunt and year end is coming. It is a gazillion times harder thatn hunting the more end.
I don't think you have to worry about your Mom swallowing a fly, because she is not an old lady.
Were sending PURRS just in case. 'Cos we think your mommy needs them!
Not only is your mom soon to be hunting month end, but also quarter end, and even the dreaded YEAR END.
You have no idea how much your mom wants her busy, noisy, energetic self back too.
Sometimes our moms work so hard they crash like this. Your mom is a wonderful lady with many beautiful talents. Our Mom checks her blog everyday! And yours! So we are going to ask our mom to pray for your mom to feel better. Maybe she has a fur-ball stuck.
Your furry friends,
Manna and Wink (I was born with one eye and adopted, mom says that makes me special. Manna was adopted also, he is very silly.
It sounds like your mom is very busy Millie - and not in a nice, fun way for her either. I am hoping that she is not getting too stressed out - we are sending her some relaxing purrs and good wishes to help her out in case she is. I know that is how I have been lately. I think you should just take good care of her and she will be back to her normal self soon enough. Sometimes things get tough for us beans!
This is such a busy time of the year.
Stay close by so she can pet you. That is a great stress reliever!
Killian, here...
My mommy is running around like crazy so I knows what you meanz...
Just be there to snuggle with her - she will love that...
I hope you get your Christmas wish. I have a feeling your mom will have some days off from the work and that maybe can be time for just the two of you.
Millie, I even sent some stinky goodness with the Secret Paw stuff. You are really running low. So far this year mum is bizzy but not that bizzy at work. Gets home at a good time. First thing it to get stinky goodness, then play with you. The rest can wait.
Give her some cuddles and purrs. It is the best medicine for everything. One more day for me! Then 2 weeks off to spend time with Rusty.
Deborah and Rusty
Lay by her and purr yoor bestest purr. Mom's seem to feel better when we do dat. Our mom sez she is working, even tho she is still here, and keeps telling dad to entertain us so we stop bothering her...what's up wif dat. Oh, and she's tired alla time. We don't know why, we lay on her in da bed and purr and knead so she gets lots of rest.
This time of year can be hard on Beins. We kinna let up on them fer a while.
Millie, that day-hunting gig sounds very tiring and stressful (didn't that place lay off a bunch of people a while back, too??), so don't give her a bad time. Be your supportive self and she'll be better in no time. (Tell her I can't WAIT to open my Laurel Burch bag she sent for my mom to give me on Christmas!!!!)
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