Pip-pay's hip surjery went very well, now he is on the road to recovery and we hope it's a short one. Today is the day Mom's metal masheen goes to get fixed.
Mom's got the whole house cleaned except for the Sewing Room and the Table Room. She says the Table Room has stuff in it that has to be moved to the dungeon and that's no big deal. In the sewing room, however...

The sewing room is set up just perfectly for a sleepy tuxie kitty.
Glad surgery went well! We'll still be purring for a quick and full recovery.
~Lisa Co9T
Sewing rooms always seem to be a mess. That usually means Mom is being productive!
The sewing room looks fabulous just as it is, Millie - you put the perfect finishing touch to any room!
You sure gots us caught up on alla' the news, even you's momma's cleanin'☺
Woooooaaa! It's our BIG day re the leafs tomorrow. We hope the wind blows real bad tonight! Tee hee!
I can't believe the leafs are holding on so long - they are stubborn!
We are behind on visits but we are glad to hear that the surgery went ok. That is too bad about the big metla machine though - they are a big pain in the you-know-what sometimes!
Glad Pip-pay is doing so well!!
Just goes to prove the power of "paws"itve PURR-rayers.
OREO in "FURR" ginia
You look right at home in there.
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