Hi everybody! Here's the tree outside this morning. It's still got leafs! Amy & The House of Cats, you will not be the winners of the Last Leaf Contest.

Last night after dinner, Mom went back into the computer room to finish cleaning up. Does this look like CLEANING to you? All she did was take papers from one box, and put them in other boxes! Go figure! She says this is better! Who's she trying to fool?

Before she went to bed, the room looked like this:

Which I have to admit looks a lot better. The shredder got a good workout. I guess it was really hungry. Mom filled two more big black bags. She says the shredder has got more coming to it, but I don't think it's very happy, because it's been squeaking. Mom says this room will take another two days, maybe three, before it is clear of all the junk she has collected.
You can find me in my cat hammick in the sewing room!
That does look good! WE are glad you can find your hammick!
My mom says that papers reproduce in the dark. She has LOTS OF PAPERS. She nearly killed-ed our shredder, too. You hang tuff, Miss Millie.
I would like to say that the newbean has amazing lungs. And persistence.
We'll wake you when it's over. :)
~Lisa Co9T
It sounds like the hammick is a good place to nap while all the cleaning is going on.
Millie, it's good that your mom is organized, and it's very satisfying after all the mess is gone!
Yeah, we had a feeling we weren't going to be even close to winning after seeing the tree the past few days! Oh well good luck to everyone else!
And it looks like your mom cleans like I do - start trying to organize and end up taking everything out to kind of re-arrange it all!
Can yoor mom come here when she is done over der? We haf a shredder and boxes and lots and lots and lots of, um, stuff...
We think hiding in the sewing room on your hammock is a good place to be. As for your shredder whining, Mom says it may just need to be oiled with shredder oil, or it may just need a good rest. She's had 3 or 4 of them burn out on her at work (mostly thru misuse).
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Gracie
Is she storing the years away? She can fit a whole year in a box? She is a furry good packer.
Tell Mom the shredder needs to rest, take a nap, after one hour of shredding. Sometimes, Wolfy and I send a sheet of aluminum foil through to sharpen the teeth.
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