Yesterday it rained hard all day. Yuk! Here is our Japanese Maple this morning. You can see that many of its leaves are a lighter red earlier in the month. But take a closer look...

It is starting to lose leafs! You can click the pictures to biggify.

Mom needs help in the morning. This next picture just proves it.

Until she's fully awake, she can't even hold the camera steady to get a picture of me that's in focus!
What a great bed to rest in Miss Millie.
Ohhhh the leaf contest is getting exciting.
Are you being a sock warmer in that photo?
My felines love drawers too. It must be so cozy
We see leaves on the ground. They have started falling. WE love to lay in drawers, too!
Yup! They are officially falling! I don't think I'm going to make through November, but we'll see.
You look cute in that drawer!!
~Lisa Co9T
The Woman loves that tree...I think if there was space in our yard and one would grow here she'd be buying one to plant...
Rusty is a big help in the morning too. He holds down the bath mat while I take a shower. He also furs up the ironing board BEFORE I press my pants. We have creepy weather. The wind is blowing all the ashes from the fire. The sky is brown. Yuck.
Have a warm, snuggly, day Darling Millie!
Deborah and Rusty
Resting in a drawer, a perfect place!
We like to pull everything out of the drawers and watch mama clean it up.
From your friends
Peanut and Marshmellow
More coffee? Mum rarely takes pictures of me before she goes off day hunting.
That tree will go fast, our trees are OK and a few days later leafies are coming down. Mum expects lots to come off this weekend. It will be windy.
FINALLY! Some leafs onna ground... We were beginnin ta think they would never start ta fall!
We love open drawers. The best one ta sit in is the undershirt drawer. He actally leaves it open fer us in the mornings. Needless ta say, he is pretty much fur-immune...
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