Milo and Alfie, you guys are entered in the Last Leaf Contest. Do not worry. Mom will be putting a list of everybody's names and dates in the sidebar.

I'm really trying to get her to do it sooner, but she's just a silly bean and doesn't seem to understand.
Most beans understand fun, so when Mom found
this link, she thought it was just awesome. You should visit and watch these videos to see if "fun" can change people's behaviors. It's called
"The Fun Theory."Hmm....
Thanks for the link, we shall go and have a look now.
That site is way kwel!! Love the piano stairs :)
cool! fanks Millie and MilliesMom!
That was a cool web site! It brought a little fun into a gloomy day!
Love the quilt you are sitting on. ~S,S,C & F
I sent the Fun Theory link to the other staff members where I work - great respones! I need those piano stairs to get up to my quilt studio (wonder if they work with kitty paws??)
Thanks for sharing!
Millie you look so pretty. Whatever you are laying on, it is pretty too. Lots of pretty colors.
Oh we will have to go visit that site - we love fun!!
That is a very cool website. Mom wants to go back and watch the videos with sound.
You are also doing a very good job of snoopervising.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
My mom said she would use those piano stairs anytime...
You could play a tune and dance up the stairs.
We note that not a single leaf is onna ground unner the tree. Thats a-mazin!
Thanks for sharing the fun theory link! We hadn't seen those before!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
Phew! We only just founf owt we was included! Yay!
Milo and Alfie xx
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