Here's a little food porn for Fiona. Mom picked these herbs and peppers and grape tomatoes out of her garden this morning. Mom would want me to tell you there are two kinds of mint, Kentucky Colonel Mint and Pineapple Mint; Greek Oregano, Marjoram, Thyme, Tarragon and Sage. There's also a little bit of Basil. Mom has been making Pesto throughout the summer.
GASP!!! *thud*
You FORGOT to blog yesterday? What are you doing, catching losthimers from your human? We've caught it from Jan.
It's easy to lose track of time when you're having so much fun.
Mom has been doing the same with her herbs!
Those are very pretty herbs and vegetables! Mom deserted us on Saturday and did not get home till late on Sunday so we missed two days of blogging!
My mom put in a garden this summer. But, it's been attacked by ginormous squash bugs and evil aphids and just about every other nasty critter you can imagine. So, we've got nuthin'. Nuthin' but nuthin' to show Fiona-bun. Phooey.
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