Saturday, June 06, 2009

Happy Birthday, Monty Q!

Today is my sweetie's birthday. I really love Monty Q, and I have gathered together a few special pictures for him. Here we are together in our traveling disguises. Aren't they just perfect?

You all know how much Monty loves my tummy, so I have chosen some tummy shots for him. Get your pillow ready, sweetie!
This is the special bed Monty's MomBean made for me in one of the Secret Paws. I still love it!
Here I am in my favorite napping spot.
Oh Monty, I love you so much! I hope you have a terrific birthday, get lots of treats and stinky goodness, and I hope the slobberhound leaves you alone.



The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Millie, those are some great tummy shots!!!!

Christine and FAZ said...

What a lovely birthday tribute to Monty Q, Millie. Purrs FAZ

Parker said...

I hope that Monty is near the freezer!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Hope Monty has a great birthday, and we must add those are very lovely shots of you millie!

Jans Funny Farm said...

He was probably passed out before he was halfway through your post. We stopped by his place shortly after midnight to sing for him.

Anonymous said...

Monty is such a lucky boy!

Sara said...

Millie, my dear, you certainly did well with your photos for Monty. I am sure he will enjoy them and I hope he has a wonderful birthday!

Fat Eric said...

I hope Monty likes the lovely pictures, Millie!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

DO we need to go over to Monty's place and revive him! Great tummy shots.

Poppy Q said...

Monty is going to be breathless after looking at those photos Miss Millie.

Monty Q. Kat said...

As Monty is too busy huffing into his paper bag while leaning against the wall for support, let me say for him that he liked the photos!

Just Ducky said...

I think Monty will be sitting in the ice box!

Stop by and see the quilt they have hanging in our library.

The kitties over at Our family cat-a-blog said...

Our momma made us hide our eyes cuz she thinks youz is gettin' a little rambunctious in youz thinkings.

Linda said...

This post made me very happy so I had to run and get my bean in order to show her, too. I want her to make some goodies for me and she just spends her time going outside to day hunt instead!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Your furrs are sooo white and sooo remind us of a tasty Oreo Cookie!