I never had such a good spot as this when I was a feral kitty. I love investigating Mom's unmentionables. I love drawers.

It's been colder than normal here. Mom actually got up in the middle of the night, took off her summer nightgown and found a winter one, with long sleeves, put it on, and got back into bed.
It's been raining too. Yuk. Another reason to find a nice comfy place to nap!
Dat's right, homeless kitties don't haf nice drawers to lay in. If dey is lucky dey haf a box dat dey can hide away from da rain in...if dey is lucky.
Ahhh sounds you are living in Wellington!! Keep warm and cosy, even in the unmentionables.
Aren't drawers irresistable ;)
Being inside is even better when it is cool and raining: even better than drawers,
Last night our mom pulled on a sweatshirt over her jammies in the middle of the night too!
This time of year is so fickle with temps!
Millie, I am glad you have a nice drawer to sleep in. I wish all kitties everywere were that lucky! I hope the weather there gets better - it is finally getting nicer here today to I will hope some of our warm sun heads your way! Have a great weekend!
My mom turned on the heat the other day cause it was so cold! She won't let me get in the drawers! But I get the couch to myself!
rainy and cold here...
Mum put the heaty thing on the other day when she got home. Where is summer?
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