Anyways, the upstairs neighbs got a lot of mud buckets yesterday. They were stuck one inside the other. That much I know because I saw them. But then the neighb guy started picking them up and dropping them on the ground. The noise was so positively terrifying I immediately ran away to hide under the bed.
It went on forever and ever. Dinnertime came, and Mom put out a nice can of stinky goodness for me, but I stayed where I was.
Mom ate her own dinner, and washed all the pots and pans, and I still stayed where I was.
Finally, when it was dark outside, and quiet all around, I came out to have my dinner in peace and quiet.
Then I sat next to Mom.
What a clever recycling idea!
When our woofiez are outside momma fillz one up fur der waterz. Our momma alwayz putz da bird seedz in one, too. Momma sayz dat dose bucketz is just da best thingie fur lotz a' stuff an' dey are free once da litter (she callz it kitty toilet paperz) is gone. You haz a kewel momma☺
oh Millie, how horrible that the neighbor maded all that noise.
Millie, I'm sorry you were so scared. Our Nosey is very scared of thunderstorms; he always hides under the bed. I'm glad your mom was home with you so you weren't scared alone. Some people are just so insensitive to sensitive kitty ears.
Noisy neighbors are not fun! Glad you got comfort from Mom!
We're glad we don't have any noisy upstairs neighbors. And if we had some, they'd have to listen to Buddy's howling.
We know that sound, it's horrible and startling! We probably would have been hiding too, and mom would have been grabbing her head complaining of a headache!
Wow, that is a great use for those buckets!
Mom reuses our kitty litter buckets for stuff too, but not to grow things. We are sorry your neighbor scared you.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Oh that sounds furry scary Millie. I had to spend some time hiding from the noisy vacuum cleaner this weekend, it is one of the only things I am scared of. My mum couldn't do any gardening this weekend because it was rainy and blowing a gale, so she cleaned the house instead.
That noise is almost as bad as that crazy vacuum machine my mom uses. Sometimes our upstairs neighbors are loud and they drop stuff on the floor all the time!
Mum was playing in the dirt today too.
Too bad you cannot leave a 'present' on your neighbs pillow!!!!!!!!
Imagine,scaring a little kitty!!!!!
Good thing your Mom was there :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
The Big Thing has a dozen of those litter tubs. He puts our stinkies into plastic babs and closes them in the tubs. Then, when there is "too much", he brings them all to the landfill (which we think of as "the biggest litterbox in the world").
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