1. The bowl on the far left is a bowl of water. Mom gives me a fresh bowl of water each day. (Actually I have several bowls of water around the place.)
2. The middle bowl has my crunchies. I get a bowl of crunchies for breakfast every day. Mom doesn't take it away. Since I like stinky goodness better, I am angling for getting it breakfast and dinner, and my strategy is to avoid eating the crunchies.
3. For dinner, I get a little can of beef stinky goodness. That's the third bowl. (Usually I eat the crunchies during the night, so my strategy isn't working.) I prefer Fancy Feast Beef Stinky Goodness. I don't like the sliced or chunky versions. I like the plain one. I don't like the expensive pet-food store stinky goodness either. Finally Mom's getting smart about it. She came home last night with a big bag full of the stuff.
One final note about the bowls. Obviously they are not your usual pet food dishes. Mom says if she has to look at them, they have to be pretty. So my dinner bowls are a nice collection of Japanese porcelain rice bowls.
They are very pretty bowls. Mom was giving us water in one of her contnig ware bowls, but she droppes a glass bottle in it and it shattered. ANd we ran!
they are furry purrty bowls!!! ours are little fiestaware fruit bowls.
We think your blue bowls are bluetiful! We have pretty bowls for our tasty goodness too, and next Thursday, Teri said she will take some pix and post them for that day...thanks for the idea!
Your bowls are very pretty Millie! We have Mom well trained and we get crunchies all the time and stinky goodness for breakfast and dinner!
Those bowls are just perfect for you Millie!! Very beautiful too. You must not slop all over like we do, 'cause we have to have a kitty placemat under our bowls. Which are dumb old Target cat bowls, by the way. Boring.
Food served on nice bowls always tastes better.
Dem is purrty bowls Millie. We haf a bowl wif pawprints on it dat we gots from uncle Gilbert but mostly we get our food in old Correl ware bowls.
Those are really pretty bowls! We likes all those books. We gots lots of books here!
Your bowls are very pretty. We also used to have a set of encyclopedias, but our Grammy gave them away. We only get stinky goodness - never crunchies.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Well of course she likes pretty things to look at, she has You.
Ooh, ooh, we have little rice bowls fer food too. But Iza laps at them so hard they end up unner the cabinets and then she comes after ours. So we get ours in the little bowls IN the big bowls what dont move so easy.
They are very pretty bowls. ~S,S,C & F
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