Friday, November 14, 2008

Formerly Feral Friday

It's starting to get cold out. I am so glad I am formerly feral. I have a nice heated bed, scritches when I want them and crunchies and treats.


Peggy's Place said...

Happy Formerly Feral Friday Millie :)
ya know, we just realized it's because of you that we found the CB. We've followed you since Malcolm found you all hurt. I think you are a little bit ours cause we helped Malcolm pay some of your vet bills. And now look at you, all grown up and living the best life ever and with the best people too. Good for you.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Yeah, we went out yesserday an it was not only cold but also RAININ! ICK. We ran right back inside where it was warm an DRY!

LC and Ayla

Parker said...

Amen sistah!

The Meezers or Billy said...

ME too Miss Millie! - Billy

The Island Cats said...

Millie...I totally agree! It's much better inside than out!


Shaggy and Scout said...

Life Is Good.

Everycat said...

Hallelujah to being Formerly Feral. Outside with no home is no fun!

Monty Q. Kat said...

Don't you worry, the Big Tabbyman will keep you warm.

Yeah, blubber doesn't freeze...

Turkey Cats said...

We love our crunchies, treats, and especailly stritches!

Sparky said...

There are several feral cats in my new neighborhood. I feel for them all :( I give them dry food sometimes and they scarf it right up. Poor kitties.

Anonymous said...

We are putting out shelters for the ferals so they will not be too cold and have somewhere to get out of the wind and rain. We are very glad you are Formerly feral, Millie!

Anonymous said...

It's good to have a cosy warm and loving home, isn't it? Enjoy your weekend Millie.