The Red White and Blue quilts have been delivered by Mr Brown, and the little boy quilt has been flying across an ocean and a continent and should arrive soon.
I haven't been posing for pictures a lot, lately, but I have been demanding scritches.
What's up at your place?
Your momma is a very busy lady, it's good to be busy!
Make sure you let us know what the boy over the water thinks of his quilt I betz he just lovez it.
The best weekends are "not doing much", but you should keep your momma company while she is working and be your "mommas helper" like I doez ;)
Lots of fabric flying at your house, Millie! It's very important to squeeze some scritches in wherever you can!
I hope you ladies have a nice cruisy weekend.
My fur is up this morning. I saw an intruder in the front yard and I am lonely for my Daddy. Mommy is great, but she ain't Daddy!
Not much happening here either Millie. It is raining here too, mum is washing and cleaning and just generally catching up and picking up stuff.
I think demanding scritches is good.
~ Anna Sue
We're drying out from the flood, but that doesn't mean I'm stayin' off the 'puter..I must visit my friends!
We're also watching all the flooding and taking pictures of stuff here to show the town. Our sumper-pumper thingy has been going all night, but thankfully no water has made it in here. Now we've got this Ike guy to worry about... Sheesh!
Snuggle up w/your mom and get lots of scritches!!
You have just the cutest spot on your chinny-chin-chin Millie!
Nothin' much here ... Your day sounds far more excitin' than ours ... Mom's doin' laundry an' has taken out her sewin' machine.
Hi Millie! Teleport over here and Mommy will give you lots of skritches!
I love that expression.
Liss at http://pursnsnorts.blogspot.com
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