I think she did it. I think Mom actually did only the stuff she wanted to yesterday. She made this nifty little Hope Quilt. It's about 8-1/2" by 11-1/2".

She gave me lots of scritches.

She did all the dishes, most of the laundry and dragged the rug sucking monster all over the house. She went food hunting and brought back all kinds of stuff.
Just before she went to bed, she made these:

They don't do much for me, but she says Mr Karate is going to squee big time when he realizes what is in them. It is cookie dough. From the top these are dough for her Mocha Chip Cookies with Almonds, White Chocolate Chip Cookies with Peanuts and Dried Cranberries (Mr Karate's favorite), and Milk Chocolate Chip Cookies with Apricots and Walnuts.
She'll bake them later today so they will be fresh and the house will smell good when Mr Karate and his friends visit.
Mom says that now that the house looks pretty good, she can do what she really
likes to do today.
Fortunately, my life is far less complicated.
OH! Check this out:

My sweetie,
Monty Q is an Honorary Hottie!
Is it getting hot in here? Mom... can you open a window...
Hip Hooray for our friend the hot hottie!!
Those biscuits sound great, we wish we could come and share.
Glad to see that you girls got some jobs done and some relaxing.
Sometimes you just has to take it easy.
That is so excellent that your Momma gotted all her stuffs done, it is much easier to relax when you iz not looking at everything thinking " I must do that".. well that's what Momma says anyway ;)
Mmmmm cooookie douuuugh.. My sister loves cakes, cookies biscuits and things like that! :)
She does not has the chocolate ones though. :)Mr Karate is very ,lucky! :)
I bet today will be a very good day. And I bet the smell in your home is gonna' be wonderful!
Well shoot, tuxiekins, the hotness rubs off from being around you. :)
What a great day - and cookie dough - Mr Karate is gonna love dropping in to your place.
Gypsy & Tasha
Millie, have a great day relaxifying with your Mom! And shnuggling with His Hotness!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
Wowie! Your mom sounds like she had a very productive day - we are impressed (our mommy opted out of the cleaning chores yesterday). Hope she has a super easy and relaxing Sunday and you too! Congrats on your honey's hotness recognition.
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Yum. Those cookies will smell delicious! We like to lick them, but not eat them.
Wow, look at all that cookie dough. The girl human is in raptures just thinking about all those wonderful flavours. FAZ
Your mombean was really busy!!! Hmmmm...we'd like to break into those cookie dough containers!
My mom is salivating just thinking about those homemade cookies!
Millie and Mom we are purrring for you and sending lots of hugs!!! Mom has been sick all week and we are way behind visiting and stuff, too!!
Your cookies sound delicious!
Your FL furiends,
It looks like your mom got a bunch of stuff done. We hope you have a nice visit with Mr. Karate. Sometimes family coming over helps a lot. Sending (((Hugs))) your way.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
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