It's official. I use the Breeze boxes. Yes, I have two of them, one in the litterbox room, the other is in the sewing room. I use them, Mom loves them.
Mom likes that it does not smell. Mom likes that there is no kitty litter tracked all over the place. Mom thinks it is easy to clean. Mom thinks the Breeze box is pretty.
So how did she get me to use it? Simple. She took DKM's advice. "Add more than one package of pellets, and remove the old boxes after a week."
Mom was also pleased to find the pellets and pads very reasonably priced at Wal-Mart.
Anybody want a Litter Locker?
PS! Monty Q is furry upset about a four-footed furry invader. He will post about It soon.
Congratulations to the switch over! Not sure if Minchie would even fit in a box like that. He's a very large boy.
Laila and Minchie
Millie, I am so glad you posted this. I have four cats. I want the Breeze box to work for them but was afraid to buy it because of the cost. Thanks, Beverly
Oh please don't give our mom any ideas! We likes our boxes just fine!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
We just had to remove our Breeze box yesterday because Pixie started to eat the pellets!
We loved ours! But Daddy didn't cause Diamond liked to surf, we had to back to the covered boxes. We are sad...
Glad you like it Millie! Hmms maybe we should get several. First we got to win the lotto. Mooooooooooom go buy lottery tickets! hehehe A litter locker would be cool tho til we win the lottery.
Hmmmm . . . this new litter thingy seems interesting . . .
Hmm Millie, I'm glad I has no to get worried 'bout it ;)
I can't wait to see what's happenin' at Monty's :D (maybe a hamster!)
Never seen this before, worth checking into for Mischief & Patches! Ty for the info! Would love to hear long term response to it. :)
Thank you,
Glad you like the box Millie :)
I am very curious about Monty and this 4 footed intruder! Hmmmmmmmmm!!!!
Does it meow?
Purrs Mickey
hmmm, the 4 footed introoder sounds very interesting....
Great for you! Mom is afraid to change my litter box since I am an older kitty.
Can't wait to hear about the 4-footed intruder.
We are glad ya like the Breeze box, Millie! We got 1 an tried it, we dint like it much. And it is hard enough getting Skeeter ta use the accustumed ones these days.
But mebbe we will try again...
It sounds like you are enjoying your new Breeze box. Mom can't get one of those for us because of Miss Jade and her tummy troubles.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Mom wishes dat dey made dat box bigger and dat Speedy din't haf runny poops...
We are glad you like your Breeze boxes. Our Mama has a coupon for a free one but she forgot to look for it when she went food shopping.
There are three of us so it should be interesting....
Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma
Bob has a popcorn tin with a cat on it that he keeps the bags, litter scoop and a small dustpan and broom in. He calls it his litter kit. He just grabs that and the bucket of litter and does the rounds of our litters after he gives us our evening treats.
His tin has a black kitten on a back ground of a cazillion cand corns.
Yay for using the Breeze!
Spooker refused to use ours, no matter what... so we now have the breeze box filled with flushable litters for the rescue kitties (it's low so they like to use it) - Little Isis will use it sometimes, too.
But Spooker just refuses.
Not The Mama
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