This is my sister, who you all know as Auntie Karate.

But if anybody... ANYBODY, says one negative thing about her in my range of hearing, well, they'll have ME to contend with, and I don't have a black belt...
My sister is The Bomb. She is Terrific. She is very generous and she has a heart of solid gold. She has her feet planted more firmly on the ground than a great many people I know. I trust her implicitly, and with my life. I have more fun with her than with anybody else.
She started taking karate lessons when she was 40. And let me tell you, she was a klutz of the highest order, so it was really hard. How many people undertake a new physically demanding activity at 40 which they know will require at least 5 years to master? Not many, I'll bet. But she persevered, because determination is one of the things she has in spades.
We get along very well, although you might not think so to listen to us. The ladies at the local fabric store refer to us as "the Bicker Sisters." We think that's hilariously funny.
I could tell you any one of a number of funny stories about her as she was growing up. But she'd just turn around and tell you something embarrassing about me, so I decided instead to tell you all how crazy I am about her, how much I love her, and how she's my very best friend. Plus I'd be wicked lonely without her.
Happy Birthday, Sweetie Pie! I love you very much!
Go on over to the Devil Dog and wish her a Happy Birthday!
Why is yer mom hackin' the blog?
We love Auntie Karate!
You are so very lucky to have a sister and one who is so close to you! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Auntie Karate!
It must be nice t have a sister so close :)
Happy Birthday Auntie Karate!!!
Happy Birthday to Auntie Karate.
Love and Purrs,
KC and Crew
Happy Birthday to Auntie Karate!
We are so glad you to have such a good sister-relatiosnhip with each other.
purrs and love
Kashim, Ohello and Salome
What a lovely post. Sounds like you have a wonderful relationship with your sister!!
Happy, Happy Birthday Auntie Karateeee!! Sisters are fun!
that sounds A LOT like my sister and me! We're 4 years apart, very close but argue like nobody's business! We always have tons of fun and inside jokes.
Have a great day and Happy Birthday Aunt Karate!!
Jennifer (Mom @ Cyclone Cats)
There is no better love than being able to be close to your family. Purrs to you both! I'm going over to wish her a Happy Birthday right now!
Happy Birthday, Auntie Karate!
Happy Happy Birthday, Auntie Karate!
We hope your day is as fun as your name!
The Purries from
purrchance to dream
and Not The Mama, too!
Happy Birthday Auntie Karate! It is great that your sister lives close enough that you can see each other often!
Your FL furiends,
...and her Mom (Mimmay) got pregnant so mom would have a sister. Everyone thought Mimmay was crazy, what if you have a boy? Mimmay would say I am not having a boy I am having a girl, so Mom would have a special friend.
I did good don't you think? Love you all. Mimmay xxx
Millie and Mom, we wished Auntie a happy birthday! Thanks for letting us know! BTW, today is our Gramma's B-day too (the same one you made the quilt for), so she and Auntie Karate are twins! Well, sorta, cause our Gramma is a wee bit older than Auntie, but who cares?
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
Happy Birthday Auntie Karate!
Luf, Us
Lynne ... That was a very sweet dedication to your sister. You are so fortunate to have each other.
Jessica (and DMM with the Feline Americans)
What a wonderful birthday tribute! Happy happy birthday Auntie Karate!!!
That was a beautiful tribute to your sister. Happy Birthday to her.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
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