Mom's Mim-may used to say, "God works in mysterious ways." Mom and Tracey got to meet because Tracey & Matt asked Mom to be
Violette's godmother. They knew they would be friends.
With the tragedy of Violette's death, Mom went down to Mary-land again to be with Monty Q's family. Mom and Tracey got to meet
Mom Robyn, too!

Here are MomRobyn, Tracey, and Mom, Lynne. Everybody wore violet for Violette.

Tracey and Mom will be friends forever. Actually, that's not quite right. Tracey says we are part of their family. That's even better.
I am sure that Mom Lynne and Tracey will be friends forever and family, too. These sad times bond people together. I sincerely hope that they will have many happy times together.
Yes, it's true, tragedies bond people together. We still wish they didn't happen....
I Dare You!
Yes, it is time again for another challenge from The Cat Realm! Come and check out the details on our blog.
I hope you will accept the challenge and will eagerly await your entry!
We are sad that this was the way that your mom got to meet Mom Robyn, but we think it is great that you and your mom have been adopted into Monty's family.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
It is a great thing to have such great family and friends, and to be surrounded in love - even in the toughest of times.
Nice photos of you girls.
There is nothing better than friends, family and love...
oh we knows that MomTracy and your mom will be family forever!!!
we likes to think that in some small way we is all family wif efurryone in the CB
Friends are wonderful!
Much love to Miss Tracy!
There's nothing better than friends. I'm so glad that you all had, and always will have, each other to lean on.
That is so nice.Special bonds means a connection that cannot be broken. That is what a family is too.
Purrs Mickey
PeeEss: I love the pic with the 3 of you :)
It is wonderful how a true blessing can come out of even the saddest tragedy.
Great pictures! Thanks for sharing.
Your mom will always and forever be Violette's godmother, and that is something to cherish.
It's nice that there was a bright spot to the tragedy. It's fun to see all our beans together though!
We are gad you all got to meet, even if fer such a sad reason.
That is nice that they got a chance to meet. Mum has met The Crew's mum.
Those are very nice pictures...thanks for sharing them with us!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Furrends support each other at sad times.
That is wonderful that your Mom, Tracey and Mom Robyn all got to meet! And so cool that you are family with Monty's family! Sweet Sprout brought us all together! Thanks for sharing the pictures.
Your FL furiends,
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