Omigoodness! The house was full of little sticky people yesterday. How many? I think twenty squillion. I took refuge in Monty's bed under the table.
Monty, however, had to check everything and everybody out.
They are going to Eye-Key-Ah today. Good for them. Monty and I will -finally- have some quiet time alone together.

Don't we make a lovely couple?
Dude I always knew you was a big fella, but you sure tower over Millie.
Hope the ladies spent lots of green at Ikea, now Lynne has lots of room in the suitcase, she can fill it up with presents.
I hope that they have fun, but I'm glad you will have some alone time!
ps - I did the Meme you tagged me for a squillion years ago!
you make a beautiful couple!
Just lovely! So, did the people find anything good at IKEA?
Too many rugrats...
Luf, Us
You are one gorgeous couple! I'm glad you are finally getting some alone time . . .
Yes, you make a fine couple. Did eye kea a live up to expectations?
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