Maggie and
Bert, can you see the snow in the picture? I can, and that means you two are out of the When When contest. Sorry.

But there isn't much snow left on the ground... so I think we might have a winner very soon! Who will it be? Who will win the When When contest?

I have got to get ready...
how 'aciting! all of our snow is gone finally. for now. you never know!
So... are you getting some snow this week-end? :-D We are getting 4 days of rain here heeeeee...
cloudy and drab = not fun.
I cannot wait for the snow to go too so we can finally have some Spring!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Glad to hear the snow is almost gone, Millie!
I can't wait to see when the snow is finally GONE!
We are glad that the snow is almost gone. We are tired of winter and think spring will be wonderful!
So close! Ugh!
-Maggie McKitten-Cat
Do you think it will hold out until the 16th????
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
A lot of your snow melted since yesterday! Wow!
We don't care if we win or not - as long as your snow goes away!!! Ours is almost gone (just one tiny pile) - weeee!
hi! you look like you does a good job grooming yourself. i hope the snow is gone soon for you. we do not have snows no more but our pond is still frozen!
Yeah, yoo'll need to look good fur when spring finally get to yoo...we'z still waiting fur it too.
It's nearly all gone now, but what if it comes back? FAZ
KC said...
Hi Millie, whatcha getting ready fur?
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