Lilly Lu is another lucky girl! Great home, and she lived through a fire, which has to be the scariest thing in the world. Happy Gotcha Day, Lilly Lu!

I also have some good news. An anonymous benefactor has placed an order with Mom to make 3 Gizzy quilts for Lilly Lu, Mu Shue and Iris, to replace the quilts that were destroyed in the fire. Mom's got fabric on order and will be making them A. S. A. P. Isn't that terrific?
You are a lucky girlkitty in more ways than one. You look like you are really enjoying your sunspot.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
That hammock in the window has got to be the best!! You are lucky and loved :)
Purrs Mickey
There is nothing like a nice sunspot!
Hammock, sun, warth, shelter... Cant get much better than that!
What a wonderful thing! I am glad that they will have Gizzies for their new home!
oh dats is so fabulous dat lilly lu and da gand git new gizzies
Need help with that shoulder, sweetie?
Not today, MomBean, it's Frisky Friday for me!
Ooo, that's a really nice spot you have there, Mille.
Hammuck, sun, yeah!!!
And dat's grate bout the gizzies fur Lilly Lu n Mu Shue n Iris!
We love sunbeams too. They are magical.
As a wise cat would say, life is grate when you're lying in your hammock in a warm sunbeam.
And here's to the fine friend from Kentucky who bought Gizzy Quilts for Lilly Lu, Mu Shue and Iris! May they have a lot of good things, too.
oh we is so happy that someone has ordered Gizzy's for LL, Mu shue and Iris!!
How sweet and thoughtful of that person to make sure kittiez have their Gizziez!
Awww that is great. Cat folks are good to their friends.
WOW! What a wonderful thing for Lilly Lu, Mu Shue and Iris to have brand new Gizzies-That's a wonderful Gotcha day present for Lilly Lu!
Miss Millie, you are in my favorite hammock, and doin' my favorite thing, too!
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