When will it be ALL GONE?
Would you like to guess? I am having a contest. The cat, woofie or bun who guesses the date when there is NO MORE SNOW when Mom looks out this window each day will get a prize. (More on that later, we haven't worked it out yet. Probably Nip Raviolis, Temptaytions, you know, fun stuff like that!)
Every day Mom will get up and take a picture of this same view and post it on my blog. On the day she wakes up and THERE IS NO SNOW ANYWHERE IN THE PICTURE will be THE DAY. If you guess the EXACT day, you will get a prize. If NOBODY guesses the EXACT DAY, the cat who guessed the day CLOSEST TO the day, but not AFTER the day, will get the prize.
Here are the rules:
1. Each cat, woofie or bun gets ONE GUESS EACH.
2. Guesses must be in the comments of THIS POST.
3. Deadline is Midnight Sunday March 9, 2008. (So when it isn't Sunday anywhere in the world, the voting will be over.)
4. You have to have a blog, or leave some way for us to get in touch with you, so we have to know who you are. If you have a blog, you're good to go.
5. It's my blog, so if I wanna change the rules, I can.
Now for some useful information.
1. The houses across the street face East. So the snow in their front yards will melt first. Duh.
2. Sun melts the snow.
3. Rain melts it faster.
4. The average high temperature for March in New Hampster is 44F
5. The average low temperature for March in New Hampster is 18F
6. It snows in April. This picture was taken last year, on April 5. It snowed again on April 17. So, guess accordingly.
7. *****The contest ends when there is NO SNOW on the ground in the picture. If it snows the next day, oh well, that's New England weather for you!*****
My guess is April 11th. Yes, 2008. I don't have a blog by add aol.com to my username and that's how you can reach me!
So, in other words, it's disappearing but it could come back?
Ummmm, April 14th (I hope it donna tayk dat longs, but yoo neva noes).
My Bean remembers it snowing as late as eastern in NE O Hi O, so that is what I will say - Eastern Day.
March 21 is Good Friday, so I say then. After all, no snow would be good, wouldn't it?
We said we would all play along and take some guesses.
Abby guesses April 21
Boo guesses April 15
Jinx guesses April 1
Ping guesses April 6
Gracie guesses April 27
I wonder who will come closest?
Maggie guesses April 2
Jasper guesses April 16(his birthday)
Huggy guesses March 31
Josie guesses March 23
Our wish for you is that snow would be gone today!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
We all forced Mommy to look at the photos and then we put our furry heads together and decided to guess April the 7th. Because we are optimistic, unlike Mommy, who said to guess July 4th...
Mmmmmm....lets see, I think I shall guess March 31.
All of our snow is gone, I hope no new stuff will come : )
Our guess is April 12th!
Oh millie - we hope it goes away for you today (well and for us too!), but we'll guess:
Pearl - March 17th
Bert - April 2nd
Jake - March 31st
But we really do hope it's sooner!!!!
Missy guesses April 23 2008Love Mimay
Mom says it's been YEARS since she's since that much snow for that long. We mean YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS. We guess the following:
Leo - April 13
Sammy - March 30
Maggie - April 5
Cocoa - March 22
Scully - April 9
Purrs & Kisses,
The Frisky Felines over at
No Jumping From Bridge blog
Fiona Bun - April 17th
Orlando Bun - April 25th
Sophia - April 30th
Ohhhhhh this is a great competition.
I would like to guess April 1st - April Fools day the snow will melt away.
It is a very pretty yellow house in the last photo. me and my mum would love to live in a little cute house like that.
Keep warm ladies.
Goodness, not sure if I see an open date. Hmmmm. I don't see that April 24 has been taken, so that will be my guess. I just can't wait for this white stuff to be gone!
I don't think 4/20 is taken, so that will be my guess!
Ooh, more contest fun!
Skeeter - March 29
LC - April 5
Ayla - April 18
I guess May 1.
Sorry to be so pessimistic.
April 23rd. We don't think that's been guess yet.
Luf, Us
I think I'll pick mom's birthday-- March 26th. She says she remembers birthday parties of hers when there was LOTS of snow and some when all the kids were in shorts.
Hopefully it'll all be gone by then!!
Man, it's easy being a cat. =^..^=
We pick April 10, 2008. Our email is in our blogger profile.
Ninja & Brenda
Millie, We hope that the snow goes bye bye till next year real soon. For you as well as for us!
Our guesses:
Padre: April 22 (his approx. birthday)
Panda Bear: March 20 (Vernal Equinox & Optimistic)
Meerkat: April 4 (to split the difference)
Hmmmm. We finks.....
Kiara- March 11th fur Grampies purfday.
Meeko- May 5th fur MY purfday
Daddy's purfday wuz already taken.
~Meeko & Kiara
see millie this is a good question bening for ma you nH nabors we have the same quetion the problem is that sometimes it almost all gone for e it prored yesterday and then got to the be 57 and is going to be warm again but the problm is as native N.E pepole we know it could always come back but we hope it all goes away by Apri 23 It going to pouring this weekend but at least it not snow. and they say living in NE is great becuse of all the sesions well my mama said they can keep the snow becuse it truns black ice sigh she said can we move down to daiys
April 19 - Sanjee
April 9 - Boni
May 12 - Mini
March 25 - Gree (that's Uncle Roman's purrthday)
April 26 - Pepi
Ok we's guessed! Fanks Millie :)
Mungo sez 3/12
Teazer sez 3/18
Fire finks 4/4
Momma sez dis winter be weeeeeeeeird, efun here in ChiCATgo.
We vote 4/8. Meowmy says never count on snow ending before April 1 in New England.
I am going to pick April 29th! I am feeling very lucky.
I pick 4/19.
I choose March 28th!
We guess April 8
~ The 2Bs & Madness
April 18th is our guess.
Thanks for the fun!
I would like to pick March 27th because that is my mum's purrthday. But we think you will probably still have snow by then!
We is sayings March 24th. :) but we want to be sure...do you mean when there is no more snow the next day and the next day forever till next winter, or do you mean it could all melt one day and then snow again 24 hours later?
oh, wait we each get a guess a day?
Momma says April 28th.
Hunter says he is sticking with March 24th.
Napoleon says april 26th
and the girls, Belle and Raowr both agree its April 8th.
The Feline Americans an' I are gonna bundle all of our guesses together an' say INCOME TAX DAY: April 15th.
Oh good - another snow contest. Wee - Here are our guesses. We don't think we doubled up.
April 21 - Tiki
March 31 - Tavi
April 16 - Cody
March 21 - Camie
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
We NEVER get that much snow..I can't even imagine all the snow your mom must shovel..I'm guessing March 29th, if ever! I'll bet you guys feel like that every now and then, don't you?
I'm going to guess March 20th and
Willow said she guesses April 20th!
Purrrrrs, China Cat
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