Yo Mom, I have stuff to do, leave me alone. I'm not a fashion model!

Mom finished pressing all the long strips last night, and she just HAD to stay up late cutting a few into chunks. Here are a few of her favorites so far.
PS... We have a big anniversary coming up. Can anybody guess what it is?
Those quilt blocks are beautiful. Big anniversary? Hmmm, it's been a year since your Mom started making Bizzy for Gizzy quilts?
Isn't it time for your blogoversary???
Karen Jo is right in one!
My blogoversary is in August, and it's the same day as my Gotcha Day.
Your momma sure works hard on those quilts!
Those are some beautiful strips of fabric! :)
Could it be the anniversary of the first Gizzy Quilt ever made?
No wonder - they're very very pretty!
Awww . . . your mommy makes such beautiful things.
Wow . . . a year of gizzy quilts? That's a huge anniversary! I say we party.
That's a lot of washing, cutting, ironing, sewing and quality inspecting!
jans funny farm
Mom is actually thinking of buying a new sewing machine. We think that would seriously infringe on Lap Lady time. Stop that!!
It's da 'BIZZY FUR GIZZY' anniversary! We know cuz mom gots really acited about getting us each a kwilt and den we got acited and now we haf gizzy kwilts and we'z still acited...
Pretty strips. Congratulations on the gizzy anniversary.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody, and Camie
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