Now don't you all get all goopy over this turn of events. Like all cats, I like getting petted and scritched, and what the heck, if I can get somebody else to do all the work, all's the better.
Yeah, I know said I'd never ask to be petted. I loved cuddling next to Gizzy, but he is gone and Jasmine was never interested in being my friend.
That leaves Mom.
Get over it.
A cat does what a cat has to do.
Millie we are very proud of you. We know it has taken a lot of courage for you to get to where you are now. We can only hope that Cody will eventually mellow enough to allow mom to even give him skritches. Mom says it is a woman's perogative to change her mind.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
We totally understand. Sometims we play hard to get too. Napoleon refuses to sit wif great grandma, so far...perhaps when Momma stops scritching him, he'll have to sit wif great grandma to gets them.
Lynne, my mum says you should put the bag of temptations next to your chair. Then next time you snuggles you gets a reward. That is how she has taught me to come and sit on her knee. Sometimes, especially in the winter, I forget about the treats and just has a snuggle. It may only last a few minutes, but the breeder said we were not lap type cats.
Poppy Q
It's true, a cat's gotta' do what a cat's gotta' do.
I like laying with Bob the same way when he is in the recliner watching TV.
Queen Munchkin of Frostin's Court
Room for one more on that lap, sweetie?
Ha, ha. We got all goopy when we saw this picture. You look so cute there next to your Mom.
Sure Millie ;)
To quote Shakespeare :' The lady doth protest too much'
Mom helped me with that :)
Admit you like it,on your terms.
Purrs Mickey
Millie.Mom says you like Jane Austin. I hope she knows that PBS TV is running a Jane Austin series on Masterpiece Theatre Sunday Night. It started last sunday with 'Persuasion'
Mom loves Pride & Prejudice especially Mr Darcy(Colin Firth)
Purrs Mickey
Millie, that picture looks a lot like our house ... recliner, computer, momlap ... except you'd have to add a bunch more kitties!
It's good to see you snuggling!
We're cats, we're allowed to change our minds at any time about anything.
Ha, you soppy, affection-loving kitty! We're on to you, but we won't tell. Keep up the good work.
jans funny farm
congratulations on getting up the courage to let your mom give you pets! i must confess that i too was afraid to let mom and dad pet me. but now i trust them and have learned that they give good pets and scritches and love shnugglies.
There's nothing wrong with wanting skritches. It feels good, plus it turns people into our slaves. It's a win-win if you ask me.
Oh, Millie ... Here I am gettin' all "goopy" ... I think that it's furry sweet that you an' your momma are bonding over some seat-time an' pets.
Good luck to your guys named "Pat" ... They're gonna need it 'cuz my Chargers are amped!
omg we forgotted the Pats were playing on saturday!! How did they do? finger crossed....!!!!
omg we forgotted the Pats were playing on saturday!! How did they do? finger crossed....!!!!
Oh we might be confused...are they playing sunday or yesterdays? ack! If its today, we sure hope it starts after church gets out at noon pst, so momma can cheer for thems!
Hey Millie don't forget to sit with mommy and watch OUR team play today! YEAH PATS ALL THE WAY! I will watch from my Gizzy quilt!
Purrrs Miss Peach
we love tennis in this house too but I guess we do live in Wimbledon so should do really. FAZ
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