To find out why this is Musical Monday, you will have to go check out The Devil Dog, where the Karate Lady has posted about Mr Karate & the Boy and their cello recital yesterday. There is even video.

The Boy (Mom's nephew); Mr Karate (Mom's son)
(You guys know, of course, that Mom and the Karate Lady are sisters, right? So that makes Mr Karate and the Boy cousins. They are 17 years apart in age, but they love each other like brothers.)
Now I finally know the connection to the karate people. I'm a little slow sometimes! :)
Those are pretty squares!
Oh we can't wait to see what it looks like at the end of the project.
You're Mom is teasing us with those squares!! Heehee
Those are two very handsome Manbeans!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Those squares sure look interesting! :)
Yep, we know that your mom and Roxy's mom are sisters. :)
Tell your Mom that HeBean gave up on the computer program he was using and used a different one!
Thanks for the relationship explanation!
Ooooh . . . I'll have to go check out Roxie's blog right now.
What a neat picture of the boys!
Wea re sure glad the little one got his cello back after the robbery.
Those squares look very comfy!!! And the videos of the boy and Mr. Karate were very good!
You must be so proud!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
We knew Mr Karate and da boy were cuzzins but we din't know dat dey loved each other like brofurs. Dat's great. We'z gonna go over to Roxy's and check out da video, mom sed she's turning down da volume until she see's what's up, we think dat is rude.
That is a great photo of Mr. Karate and the boy! We'll go check out Roxy's blog now to see the video, too.
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Cool quilt "blocks". Lucky person to receive them!
This is EJH (hint, hint: I'm related to you) I have a blog! It's "Jellosstories" Yay!
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