You think I'm joking? Here's the link: Live Like a Cat Day. Here are the FAQ's, and in case anybody needs instructions, here is the How-To (surely not anycat, because we already know)
Here are a couple of things from their How-To guide. (Yes, I copied them. I'm a cat, it's in my DNA.)
1. - The most important thing to remember is that Live Like a Cat Day is YOUR day. If you want to sleep all day, then sleep. If the phone rings and you don’t want to answer it, then don’t. You can even ignore your wife or husband if they try to tell you to do something. THINK and LIVE like a cat.
(Well, like Duh!)
Here's another one:
5 - Sleep in. Turn off the alarm clock and sleep in. Don’t get up until you feel like it.
9 - Take a bath and groom yourself. When was the last time you took a nice, warm, relaxing bath? Showers are for busy people. Do you have nose or ear hairs that need grooming? Cats spend plenty of time grooming and perhaps you should spend some time catching up in this area if you’ve been slacking lately.
Here is another one of my favorites:
13 - Get nutty and REALLY live like a cat. If you want to go the extra mile consider batting some toys around on the floor or chasing the light from a laser pointer. Lay down on the floor in a random location in your house. Take a nap in the bathtub. If you live with someone, annoy them until they bring you a snack. Try sitting on top of your refrigerator. Get creative and explore what it is like to be a cat.
Haha that's funny. We're going to show mum and get her doing fings we do.
MomBean can do the last one if there is chocolate involved...
Wow, what a cool day! :) We didn't let our humans sleep in, though, we needed our breakfasts!
Yeah, but if we all live like cats who's gona open the can?
Bob does the sleep in late one every weekend.
We've been trying to explain this to the dogs around here for years. But they prefer to live like a dog.
Oh, well. We can't all be perfect.
Jan's Funny Farm felines
Thanks for letting us know about Live Like a Cat Day!! Maybe we can convince Mom and Dad to sit still in honor of the day so that we can take naps with them!
Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat
I'm trying to get my human artist to honor Live Like a Cat Day, but she just keeps being like a human -- running around, doing stuff, making noise, keeping me awake -- so I can't even live like a cat today!!
This is very nice~!!!!
We just wanted to stop by an say GO GUYS NAMED PAT!!! Whoohoo!! Gotts go watch the game now!
~Meeko & Kiara
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