Thursday, November 29, 2007

My Own Holiday Gizzy Quilt

I am -so- happy! Lookit, a Holiday Gizzy Quilt just for ME! It is mostly red and white, and it is MINE! Mom is gonna finish it later today, but it is MINE! She didn't keep any other Christymas fabric when she made the Holiday Gizzy Quilts this summer, but she made this for me and kept it a SECRET! Now the secret is OUT and I am gonna have my very own Holiday Gizzy Quilt! Yippee!

Oh shoot! Mo-----------mmmmmm! This picture makes me look FAT! I am NOT fat! It is just a terribly unflattering angle! Sheesh, Mom.... Now Monty's gonna have to spend the day in the icebox.

(What am I gonna do? Mom can be such a pain in the patootie!)


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Don't worry Millie, mom takes pikshers sometimes dat even make Zippy look like she has a fat belly and she doesn't. Fur petes sake, she only wayz 7 pounds. Yoor Holiday Gizzy is beyootiful, but not as beyootiful as yoo.

Monty Q. Kat said...

Is more of my Millie to love! WOO HOO!!!

Now come here and let Mr TabbyMan snuzzle you...

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Beautiful Millie! :) Both you and the holiday Gizzy. :) How wonderful that your mom kept a holiday Gizzy just for you. :)

Artie said...

What a beautiful quilt--you are very luck, Millie! I wouldn't want to come between you and your quilt, though. Your eyes are saying, "This is MY quilt--back off!"

Tybalt said...

What a beautiful holiday gizzy quilt, Millie! You are lucky to have such a crafty mom! You don't look fat, Millie . . .just beautiful!

Daisy said...

The colors of your special quilt are perfect to show off your pretty furs!

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

That is a very pretty quilt Millie. Your Mommy always does such a good job. We do not think this picture makes you look fat so don't worry!

Jan Price said...

We guess you'll just have to take the picture box away from your mom pain in the patootie and take your own pictures. Or invite Monty over to take them. He'll make sure they're flattering.

Jan's Funny Farm

PS - Congrats on your own holiday Gizzy quilt. It's lovely.

Anonymous said...

It's so pretty, Millie, just like you! I love the way you're laying on this one. You're not inspecting it for some other kitty, it's YOURS!

Anonymous said...

What a pretty Holiday quilt for your Millie. You look very pretty on it.

Anonymous said...

That is a very pretty gizzy and I don't think you look fat in that picture.

Unknown said...

You don't look fat Millie, you look very relaxed and comfortable.

I love your Holiday Gizzy quilt, it is just beautiful.

My MUM STILL has not downloaded the pictures of me on my Gizzy quilt. I need to get a new secretary, this one is really dropping the ball!

I love my Gizzy quilt ALOT.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

You look lovely on your VERY OWN GIZZY! Concatulashuns... :)

Honey P. Sunshine said...

u r so purrty

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Darling Miss look so festive on your pretty holiday quilt. Your mommy is so talented in so many mommy wishes it would rub off on her. Can you arrange this to some degree?
I would be forever in your debt..
Love Miss Peach

Lux said...

You do NOT look fat, Millie, and I *love your special quilt!