First, Luxor. It's not everycat who would put up with having his home invaded by 22 or 28 cats and a couple of dogs he's never met. He was a complete gentleman and a wonderful host on our road trip to visit him. Lux, for your incredible cool and patience, I salute you!

Next, my sweetheart Monty Q. (I'm biased, so what?) Monty put together a terrific itinerary of stuff to do and visit when we got to his place. He also shared driving responsibilities, and spent a great deal of time entertaining us with his singing. And when I got lonely and homesick, he immediately made arrangements to help get me home. Monty, thanks for being there for me!

I shall always remember this road trip. It was the most fun! I met lots of great friends, ate lots of great food, saw wonderful new places and had a fabulous time. I am eager to get home and rest, but I hope we can all have another road trip again someday.
Bravo Lux and Monty Q! I hope to be as cool as you two some day.
Monty's melted into a puddle at the moment, he'll be back one he gets his parts back to rights...
Ooooooooooooo what a great trip!
Lux and Monty are both great cats. :) I had a lot of fun on the roadtrip. :) It was fun seeing so many different sites and meeting so many friends. :)
Luxor and Monty are great mancats. It is nice to give them a tribute.
Dey is furry nice mancats, most of da mancats in da blogosphere are so kind and me and Zippy love dem all...don't worry, not like dat. We're in on da next road trip, it sounds like you guys had a lot of fun.
Monty and Lux are great mancats for sure!!
As a humanbean I have completely enjoyed reading about your road trip. My furkids weren't able to go, but they too enjoyed reading about all your adventures!
Thats a couple of handsome guys there Millie!!
That was a wonderful tribute to two great mancats, Millie! I just know that Monty is beside himself over you saying such nice things about him.
Two very nice Mancats. The road trip sounds great :)
You picked two winners there! It's good to be home!!!
MontyQ does have it bad for you!
*chuckle* But who can blame him? You are a sweety. I hope that all the kitties remember that they are always welcome at my place! As a only kitty visitors are welcome, just remember the mombean's lap is mine!!
Those are some excellent Mancats! And I had so much fun on the road trip, I will never forget it.
Hi Millie, it is us again. There is a picture on our bloggie today of Bounce on his Gizzy quilt.
Two great mancats. We did have fun on the road trip, but it is nice to be home.
It wuz a great road trip - we're glad you got to see some of da beeyooteeful quilts in our town.
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