I have been sleeping next to Mom every single night this week. It's nice. It's warm. It's comfy. I think Mom likes it too, even though she isn't used to it. She'll get over it.
She put a new cookie recipe on her Cooking Blog. And she says after she finishes my Holiday Gizzy, she has some of her own sewing to do for Christymas and some other secret projects I'm not supposed to tell anybody about. But I will tell you. She's gonna m....
It's a Secret!
Ours... (hee-hee) Eventually, anyway...
Your mommy will love you sleeping next to her and it will become the sweetest habbit~!
Your quilt is very nice my friend. YOu doesn't look fat, just winter cuddly. More of you to keep your mom warm at night. dAts the way I sleep too - snuggled up to mine.
Has a good weekend friend.
Poppy Q
Millie - don't tell secrets! It's too close to Christmas and Santa might hear you and then you won't get presents - Gasp!
Darling Millie....Santa Claws likes good kitties who keep secrets!! Hummmmm...I have some choices to make don't I?
I like how you wear one black stocking and one white one on you back legs:)
Love Miss Peach
i slep on mommie last nite to keep her warm
Sounds like your Mom has some fun things in the works!! Oh goody:)
My favorite thing is sleeping next to Mom. It is so warm soft and cozy in Mom and Dad's bed. Now Mom says she cannot get to sleep unless I am in bed with her. Your Mom will get used to you being there.
Your friend,
It is wonderful that you are sleeping next to your mom, Millie. :) I love sleeping next to one of my humans, or between them. :)
I wonder what the secret projects are!
Millie honey, you has to keep secrets, or Santy Paws won't leave you toys! That would be AWFUL!!!
How sweet you sleep by mom now when it wasn't too long ago she thought you'd never come out from under the couch!
You eyes are so big and beautiful in this picture Millie.
Mom sez she can't tell us certain stuff cuz none of us can keep a sekrit. Well, cept fur Sadie and she can't keep sekrits from Speedy, so...Isn't stealing warmth from da mom fun. Sometimes all of us lay on her at da same time and den she can't move.
Oooooh - secrets projects :)
A secret how exciting :)
Hey, Millie, We think you must be related to Buddy. He can't keep a secret either. But we love him because he just wants to share.
Bet your mom loves you sleeping next to her at night now. We REALLY keep Jan warm. She hasn't got room to sneeze after we pile in with her - and that doesn't include all of us at the same time. (Hint, hint, someone needs to lose weight.)
Jan's Funny Farm residents
Oh Millie, isn't it hard not having opposable thumbs, then the "secretary Mum" can just edit your stuff out, sigh...
"Loose Lips Sink Ships".
You and the mombean are OK, right? I mean you aren't anywhere near the thing in Rochester NH, are you??
*a little worried*
Your Pal,
Millie, you hasta keep secrets around Christymas time, even iff it's hard to do.
Mindy & Moe
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