My sweetheart,
Monty Q was my
Secret Paw earlier this summer, and sent me this wonderful kitty bed made especially for me. I didn't use it. Mom was a little worried. Silly Mom. She should have known it was just because the weather was so warm and I didn't need a warm place to sleep. But now the weather is cooler, and I am using it regularly.

It's nice and cozy, and it's just my size. Mom's got it in the sewing room, where I can curl up in it and still see everything that's going on.
I've been tagged for a meme, and I know this is Thursday, and I should be doing a Thursday 13, but Mom says she just wants to go to bed and sleep.
Finally she learns to think like a cat!
Aw, MomBean! You made it too small, how am I gonna fit in there to keep Millie warm?
Cute cat in a cat print bed.I like to be able to see what is going on too,especially if Mom is doing something.Mostly,I just like to be where Mom is.
You look very cozy in your bed, Millie. :)
I have several beds that I sleep on various times of year. Of late I have have been sleeping on a towel in the bathroom on the floor. I do not know why, it just comfy there. Kind of like camping out. I would rather sleep with human, but her legs are bothering her so she not want me on bed.
That is a very comfy looking bed Millie. It is nice to snuggle in someplace warm when it gets nippy out.
What a lovely cozy bed. The coloring of the print is purrfect for you too!
Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
That does like like a very cozy and snuggly bed!
Nice looking bed Millie! We agree, naps are the best!!!! Infacts, we finks we mite be over due for one right about now zzzzzzzzzzzz
That's a nice bed. It does look like a good place to snuggle and get cozy.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
Very cute bed :)
Very neato bed. You really look like you like it there.
I had breakfast on my Gizzy this morning!
Dat's a nice bed, yoo may need to squeeze over a little so Monty will fit on there wif yoo...
Oo, what a gorgeus bed, Millie-My-Twin... It fits you so puurrfectly.
You look great in that bed, Millie!
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